Its not that complicated, but it helps to have financial discipline and a reliable job. You sound like your still using payday loans just to get by, you shouldn't even be buying a car, let alone a house. But play your cards right and you might just be able to benefit from the next housing crash…
Over the years I've gone back and forth on this guy, but I have to admit, he's willing to go to prison rather than bend the knee. That's gotta say something about his character right?
How about we start a letters from steve bun, in case he writes back.
I feel bad for calling hime Ole Whiskey Nose on numerous occasions.
Why not drill baby drill till we settle the debt, then roll out the free energy shit?
I dont think we are talking about the same free energy…
Thats a hard no…
It will be so efficient, there will be no heat by product…
Theres always going to be a Dr. Evil I suppose.
But are you considering the Law of Exponential Returns and where we are right now on that timeline?
It means we are on the precipice of something huge. Either it goes the way of Limits to Growth or it goes the way of Exponential Returns. Limits to Growth promises death and despair, Exponential Return promises the impossible…everything you could ever dream of and more…