Anonymous ID: e6b22e July 4, 2024, 6:26 a.m. No.21137159   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7165 >>7172


naw was set-up by the Brit Zionist.

Five-eyes etc. all puppets.

NWO has big plans

"Israel" was plunked down in that particular location for:

  1. control of region for oil

  2. control of transport pathwaySuez Canal

  3. World War 3 plans

(Jew - Hate to manipulate emotions, WAR)

This was known by people who paid attention by at least 1965,

The Jewish homeland isn't even Palestine.


Supposedly we are independent from the British, Italian (Roman Black Nobility), German and Dutch Toffs?

But who was behind "Russia Russia"?

Who provided "dossier"?


Brits sneaked into USA in order to manipulate "the Land of the Free" almost immediately.

Carlisle Group? 9/11 attack

Very convenient to blame on "Israel" - Country which is a puppet of NWO.

Why do you think the enemies of Trump spend so much money sending swarms of Jew-haters here, every day. And all through the night?

Who set-up the Jew-hate earlier on POL? by Propagandizing and bullying?

It's for distraction.

It's failing.

Who do you think is behind NATO?

Who tried to frame Papadopoulos?

From what Country?

What nationality was the spy behind that?

Anonymous ID: e6b22e July 4, 2024, 7:02 a.m. No.21137305   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Royalty are International / Internationalists.

"Nations" are for the peasants.

Royalty are their own nation.

Ruling in secrecy.

They have their private criminal conspiracy?



Think of this: It's said Epstein was banker to the now-departed Queen E.

And yes they spoke German in Private.

And yes both side in WW2 worked together; same fam.

Including torturing and persecuting Jews, then setting them up as fall guys (yet again) but promoting false info around the "Holocaust"

Anonymous ID: e6b22e July 4, 2024, 7:06 a.m. No.21137316   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Think of this: It's said Epstein was banker to the now-departed Queen E.


And yes they (the Royal Family) spoke German with each other, in Private.


And yes both side in WW2 worked together; same fam.


Including torturing and persecuting Jews, then setting- up Jews as the fall guys (yet again) by promoting false info around the "Holocaust" (Propaganda)