Anonymous ID: 67f66f July 10, 2018, 11:14 p.m. No.2114100   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4185 >>4434 >>4486 >>4559


I don't know where you are looking at, but in our state we all are die hard conservatives and have been against abortion since generations.


Also, your reasoning is really, really dull. Your daughter (if she's an adult) is completely responsible for her actions (if not an adult, YOU are responsible for her), especially if she is "hoeing" around the neighbourhood with one night stands. If she gets pregnant because she was stupid enough to have an ONS and her ONS is also dumb to get a working condom, she is morally forced to have the child and not abort. Period. Such 'mistakes' NEVER legitimate abortion. Whatever you say.


The only exception I make is when the women did clearly not consent to sex and was forced/raped. But this is a different story.

Anonymous ID: 67f66f July 10, 2018, 11:33 p.m. No.2114234   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4265 >>4287


I didn't say it's an exception in moral, objective sense. It's just an exception I would make. But you are correct. It's not a legitimate exception.


In fact, even if raped and pregnant, the woman is morally forced to give birth to the child. But I could understand the pressure one has to be under after being raped. Still though, no one can convince me that abortion should be legal for having one night stands and doing mistakes. This is clearly not third-party responsibility, but self-inflicted.

Anonymous ID: 67f66f July 11, 2018, 12:02 a.m. No.2114421   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4471 >>4521 >>4558


None of your questions though really legitimatize abortion. Incest is a moral issue. Personally, I am against any kind of incest, not only because it can cause genetic problems, but also because of moral reasons. It does not belong to western values. More likely the East.


>What if the baby has Downs or Zika?

Then it's the moral duty to find a way to heal the baby or support it under all circumstances. If life can be saved, it should be saved. It's a moral duty. Categorical imperative.


>What if it would kill the mom to go to term?

Another sophistic, dull question. "It" (the baby) does not literally kill the mother. Also, this does not legitimize abortion; In fact, this question does not have anything to do with it at all. Wtf.


>What if the girl is underage with an older man so statutory rape?

As I said already (if you bother to read what I write), I would make an exception here (personally). But in an objective, moral sense, an exception is not allowed. Even the underage girl would be forced to give birth to the child if we apply the categorical imperative (objective sense, not subjective).


>What if the mom was a drugs addict?

Her irresponsibility is pathetic and should be punished. Still though, it does not legitimize the abortion of the child.


>Be consistent, or admit it's not a black and white issue.

It's not a black white issue, and I never stated that. You are also switching topics. It's clear as day, if your daughter is hoeing around the neighbourhood and has one night stands and gets pregnant, it's her own (or her parents) fault for not being more attentive of her surrounding and the people she meets and has sex with. That is an issue you cannot debate, whether or not Pro-Life has some questionable situations.