You really don't think the government would not fire this out as yet another dead end avenue for people to believe? I'm not saying we have not been to the moon. That is silly to even think we have not been there. I just also think the public events were bullshit. People get curious and they know this so they pump out a few other dead end fake stories with maybe more attention to detail or not and they just blur the video so your eyes/brain matrix in what you think you are seeing as real.
My guess is this, the reason they would do this is because whatever is actually on the moon, they know would cause mass hysteria. My guess is another alien species is currently on it, probably mining for materials and while it is not meant for war it probably has the power to send us back a few thousand years in in technology if they really had to and something like a space force is not only for our national security.
If we really wanna dive into a deep, dark rabbit hole you could say that maybe the cabal is controlled by another otherworldly influence? I have no proof to such a claim but it always keeps sitting in the back of my mind. I don't fear the cabal on here, But those who actually controls them? Well I'm not going to turn into a concern fag. That is likely why a space force is needed on top of national security, but you know that sounds like a conspiracy theory. Maybe one day Q will explain the true reason for the space force.