Anonymous ID: d46cc6 July 4, 2024, 3:06 p.m. No.21139648   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9649 >>9657 >>9660 >>9734

CDAN with a NXIVM reveal


February 12, 2024


Back in the day when the whole sex/cult scandal thing broke, I would randomly email one of the siblings who was adjacent but never ended up going to jail. It could also be where she lived that kept her from going to jail. The vast majority of the time when she would email me she would have ignored my questions and send me instead some kind of new age mantra type stuff. It was so out of whack that I used to wonder if it had some kind of code in it. It didn't. Don't forget that her significant other tried to take over the country of his birth. He didn't, but gave it a good try. Where was he getting his backing? No one ever really dug into his financial support. Oh, sure there was some from people who go in and out of the US government every few years depending on who is in charge, but they were just there to give him support once he took over the country.


Why since that time has he never left the very neutral country with very strict extradition laws. He has never been questioned about the deal he cut with a different foreign power to provide them with a bunch of women from his own country and neighboring countries to try and get some of that population back they need so desperately.


Over the past couple of years, the couple have been off my radar. Then, all of a sudden in the past six weeks to two months, including as recently as this past week, certain people were killed by a third country that had sought to keep our guy from assuming power in his home country. Is he leaking whereabouts of these people in exchange for another chance to take over his home country? Is he signing his own death warrant? Is his wife the go between?


NXIVM/Sara Bronfman/Basit Igtet/Libya/Switzerland/Qatar

Anonymous ID: d46cc6 July 4, 2024, 3:10 p.m. No.21139669   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9748

where is the link?


Anyone have the link to the user JS script ?


You replace thisโ€ฆ


/ Enter your own Javascript code hereโ€ฆ /

/ You can include JS files from remote servers, for example: /

/ load_js(""); /

Anonymous ID: d46cc6 July 4, 2024, 4 p.m. No.21139924   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9932 >>9945

CDAN Epstein blind


Blind Items Revealed #28


February 15, 2024


It was not all that long ago that the main provider (AA) of girls and teens to the dead billionaire (BB) ended up dead himself. Police in that country have never believed it was a suicide, but they didn't really know who would want him dead who could also pay off people to get it done. Apparently, they have a suspect (CC) who is a citizen of that same country. The foreign government was hoping to see his name released in the big document dump. They know his name is in the documents, but don't want anyone to know they know. So far though, his name is being held back. He has extremely powerful friends that he is partners with here in the US. One of his partners (DD) has been to jail before and all of you know who he is. The general public might not know, but all of you do. That business partner is probably not quite a billionaire, but close. He used to be the king of blackmail back in the day when he was at his peak fame. Several different celebrities tried to have him killed. He would photograph the rich and famous engaging in all matter of illicit activities and when he was short of money for payroll, he would make a couple of calls. That blackmailing expertise is how he and the dead billionaire met. Plus, CC and DD had the perfect cover to move girls and teens around the world with the help of AA. Some of those teens ended up dead, including several from the home country of AA and CC. That country wants an arrest and conviction and keep asking for more documents to be released so the name will be out in the public and they can proceed.


AA: Jean-Luc Brunel/BB: Jeffrey Epstein/CC: Gรฉrald Marie/DD: Joe Francis