Anonymous ID: 68793f July 11, 2018, 12:53 a.m. No.2114696   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4955



Shipping business?

Jason Bourne worked for a shipping business in Paris when it all went wrong on the assignment to kill an African dictator on his yacht.


Maybe Burn Notice is teaching us the kinds of things to take notice of when we are digging. If we find one of those things we should target it and dig deeper.

Anonymous ID: 68793f July 11, 2018, 12:59 a.m. No.2114730   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Are you referring to these people?


The Paramilitary Wing of the Democrat Party


Great for meming. Any photo where they are doing mayhem can be labeled with their real name in red above, and something like the city and the date the event occurred.

Anonymous ID: 68793f July 11, 2018, 1:02 a.m. No.2114741   🗄️.is 🔗kun



To begin with, you can geolocate it to the building it came from.

Next you can look into whether the city might have a rooftop cam on that building

Anonymous ID: 68793f July 11, 2018, 1:23 a.m. No.2114866   🗄️.is 🔗kun



And let's not forget the REAL son of god who was born of a VIRGIN.


After Julius Caesar was deified, he conquered Egypt, where Cleopatra ruled as Pharaoh. She was unmarried, i.e. a virgin, and she gave birth to a son Caesarion by Caesar. Later she was sleeping with Marcus Antonius and the filthy Jews wrote in their Talmud that Caesarion was actually the son of a Roman soldier and a whore. But he was borne before his mom became a whore.


In any case, the boy went of to India, studied at a temple in Northern India. Buddhism and Hinduism were around at that time. He decided to come back and clean out those filthy Jews and their synagogue of Satan


He too the name Joshua, and ole Josh he came right to Jerusalem and kicked all the monelenders out of the temple. Those evil people charged you interest to use their money so they were able to eat wthout doing a damn lick of work at all. He figured that he would teach the regular Jews how to get back to the religion of Moses and throw in a few things he learned in India, like a bit of Bhakti Yoga about loving your neighbor and turning the other cheek. Many Jews recognized that he was the Messiah come to lead them, and hung onto his lessons and taught them to others. Those Jews are now found in various Jewish countries like Russia and the USA where Orthodox Christianity is followed. Those evil satanists, however, have comped the Roman church and many of the Protestant ones to.


Anyway, ole Josh here, he reckons the folk need a traumatic lesson to hook them to his lessons and not to stray. So he gets his most trusted and beloved disciple Judas to help him. He tells Judas to get some shekels for telling the soldiers where he is praying in the garden of Gethsemane. Judas asks why the money and Joshy here he points out that them satanist folk don't trust nobody what don't take the silver shekels. So Judas he does the business all quiet like so the other bros in the group don't notice it. And Joshy gets arrested, but he is already deep in meditation preparing for his fate. Now Judas never told nobody this, but he used some of them shekels to make sure the soldiers put the nails in the right places, in the forearms so Joshy boy here don't lose his hands from the weight. And he got them to put a steppy thing there with a slope. Tole them it would be a cruel joke, but Josh, bein a edjicated man and all, he new that friction would give him enough grip to keep his leg circulation going. I think Judas might have paid for the guy to poke Joshy with a spear figgering' rightly that the crowd would want blood, and if there was a bit of it they wouldn't pressure the sodjers to do any more damage to poor Joshua.


Now Joshua jsut put his self into the deeped meditative state that he could on that thar cross, and kept to it when they took him down and wrapped him in linen. Then 3 days later, old Judas dressed up in his finest whites, put a womans scarf over his head, and went to the tomb and opened it up. They knew the air would last a few days OK, but not too long. Anyways, with a bit of water Josh's girfriend got him waking up, and then he told her the plan. While she went to pack their things and get a donkey, ole Josh goes to where his disciples have a room rented, makes an appearance and says goodbye. When Josh leaves, they try to run after him but Judas suddenly appears and they forget Jesus and get so pissed at him they chase him down an alleyway while Joshua and Mary make their getaway and tyravel to India. In India they can't pronounce his real name quite right, Osiris, so they just call him Isa for short. He lived to be a ripe old age and is buried at the monastery.


And that is the God's honest truth, I tell ya

Anonymous ID: 68793f July 11, 2018, 1:27 a.m. No.2114885   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4983



Does it really matter?

When you are busy moving stuff around looking for thumbdrives

And some broad knocks on the door and asks what is all the noise

Do you ask here if she lives there?

And if you did and she said no, would you just let her go off to whatever she plans to do?


By God you are the dumbest crook I ever heard of.

A smart burglar grabs her, breaks her neck in one swift move, and dumps her in the corner

On the way out, they pick up the body and throw it in the trash

Anonymous ID: 68793f July 11, 2018, 1:38 a.m. No.2114942   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5031



Since the bet is on what we do

Satan screwed himself

The first time he began cheating us

Now that we know the bet

We all want God to win

Because we reckon he will treat us better

Than that lying deceiving cheating son of a bitch In the BMW with gold plated hubs and a hot 13yo chick on each arm.

Anonymous ID: 68793f July 11, 2018, 1:40 a.m. No.2114952   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Can't be to careful on the night shift

In case that asshole pedophile starts ranting

Because young flesh makes him think of violating kiddies.

We can all do without the headache

Nice and peaceful

Is what the night should be

Anonymous ID: 68793f July 11, 2018, 1:55 a.m. No.2115011   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5040 >>5055



The cabal are satanists

They only do stuff to us if we consent

In order to get our consent, they must warn us first

But they use Jedi mind tricks.

Like putting the warnings into movies and TV series.

So we need to watch these shows

To find the warnings

And learn what their plans are

It works quite well


In particular, if you watch the first 3 Jason Bourne movies

Not only do you learn about the CIA black program

Called MK Ultra to create super soldier/assassins

But you see some key elements of how they do it

And they make it quite clear, that they get your consent before they shatter your mind.


Even in Hollywood.

They tell you all the things they can do for you and your career

Great wealth, regular work, adulation of fans

You just have to leave everything to us

If you are willing to put your whole life into our hands we will make it happen.

So you sign away your life

And its over

Some people are kidnapped later that evening

Stuffed into a trunk of a car

Driven to a rehab clinic where the torture begins

Others just get tricked into driving there and check in on their own

The torturers are former military, trained interrogators who know all the military torture techniques

Their goal, to utterly break the subject mentally

They do not do much lasting physical damage

But they torture the subject and make it clear

That they will die in that place and their body will never be found

When the subject believes they are seconds from death

Their mind shatters

They torturers can see this point is reached on the EKG readings

And they stop and hand the subject over to the programmers who pick up the shards of ego

And construct several personas in one mind

Dissociative Identity Disorder is what psychologists call this.

An advanced form of schizophrenia


This is why we watch those boring ass TV shows

To know our enemy