Anon ID: a003fc July 11, 2018, 12:55 a.m. No.2114705   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I have to share this because I am a God believer anon!


I don't know if anyone remembers but I posted about some connections I found between Slow Food USA and many elite people. I found their logo of what I thought was pedo swirl on a flyer with the confirmed triangle swirl on a Sicily ad. I posted all that here.


Then the AF1 pic happened and all the chaos. I admit I have been wavering on Q but tonight I got conformation from God.


I started digging into the origins of the SF logo. I found it is tied to witchcraft.


Instagram of the swirl that is tied to witchcraft


I look at the followers of that Instagram page and I find they have a triskelon on their page. Another symbol on the flyer from Sicily and on a pic of cake in Alice Water's Instagram page. She is with Slow Food International.


I found these witchcraft Instagram pages a few nights ago. After looking at the one with the triskelon posted I felt uncomfortable for the person who the Instagram page belongs to. There is references to pedophilia there also. So I prayed for this person. I heard God say to me that he was going to show me something. What that was I had no clue at the time.


Instagram with triskelon pic and pedo refrences


So I put if off in the back of my mind until tonight. I get on twitter and the 1st thing I see is a post by Liz Crokin talking about an interview she did with a lady name Sheila Zilinsky about pizzagate/pedogate. So I watch the video and I had never heard of Sheila so I watch the next video of hers because I liked what she had to say. Her very next video was an interview with a woman talking about witchcraft and how we are fighting a spiritual warfare.


Liz and Sheila discussing pedogate/pizzagate


Sheila and Erica discussing witchcraft


So that gets me to thinking about the Instagram page on witchcraft I found the other night. I looked up the meaning of triskelon given by the Instagram poster and it brought me to this link.


Pintrest page with triskelon pic and Q pic


I am condensing here because this happened 3 day period. So I look on the Pintrest page where the Instagram poster got the triskelon pic from and what do I see?


Pic of the Q. A man and a dragon.


A Q pic with the description "Initial capital letter Q depicting a man opening a monster's mouth".


Thoughts anyone?


I tried to post pics but it I couldn't post. Please click links.


If I am right Q meant what he said about this being bigger than we can imagine.