Where's the evidence?
JFK might have been -bi. but that's it.
had many affairs with women, not madeup, as Mileas Mathis speculates.
People that hated Kennedy and killed him, love to make-up these ridiculous lies.
If she's a trannie, where's the proof.
She looks female.
If JFK was a fake death, Where's the proof?
Seems like those who killed him spent a lot of money over the years, dissing his character and making sure no one thought there any policy changes enacted over his dead body.
The criminal conspiracy that killed him, still feel afraid for what they did. What they went along with and what they kept quiest about.
So their agents make up these stupid rumors as distraction.
None of that changes even if Jackie was a trans-female.
They bring it up just for a smear.
H.W. Bush at Ford's funeral