Mark Warner is an absolute greasy, swamp POS. Dog shit on my shoe has more value than that scumbag.
>why are they always ALL WHITE?
The "villain" (tm) in the story has to be "White People" (tm), 'cos that's what [theY] want. Once you accept that as the center truth foreverythingwe're witnessing right now - that all of this bullshit was designed to turneeveryoneagainst "the Whites" (tm), it's real easy to see who the string pullers really are.
Kek. I wonder if RampRat is going to delete this one, like he did the poast of Revelation 2:9 in a pb.
Kek. Such bullshit. It was like a mosquito. Barely rained. "Beryl" (coincidence, no?) was a fucking joke.
>Makes me wonder if there will be some grand event surprise incoming or if they'll just pout during Trump's second term because of all these uncontrollable variables.
Dumbshits are already calling for "assassinations" (tm). Who had Liberals becoming "Communist Nazis" on their scorecards? Talk about an oxymoron. Reee-tards are too ignorant through brian-washing to see what they've become.
>How does it equal the nation's debt? The money is borrowed like we're the capital?
Anon, we're sold into slavery the minute we get our "social security number." Our parents sold us into it, so they could have comfortable retirements while we were supposed to suffer armageddon .
Hits you where you live, doesn't it?
>Sounds like another reason why people might be having fewer kids
People are having fewer kids, 'cos they're poisoning us and making us infertile. Not to mention, they're destroying the value of our currency, making being a parent an impossible task for most.
>It's like the problem is everything, from the ground up
By design, Anon. Remember they've wanted to "rule" over us for thousands of years now and for the most part, they have. But it's been the last 125 years or so that really got the ball rolling. They've tested their control with the Spanish Flu, Social Security, Fed Reserve, the "Great Depression" (tm), Both World Wars, the 60s generation (who became our "Boomers" (tm), I might add), et al. Right now, the majority of us should be dead from either an actual pandemic that cooked off as intended and surgical nuclear strikes by China/Russia, with the same happening in Russia, with NATO armament.
>Saying it's "systemic" doesn't actually describe how bad it is or how many variables are factors.
The use of the word "systemic" is to program the normies that everyone's problems are due to Western Government/Ideology. It's an ingenious strategy as the end goal of this "armageddon" (tm) was the complete and total destruction of the Caucasoid sub-group of our species. Who were the majority of elected leaders of Western Governments the past 125 years or so? White men. Specifically, WhiteChristianmen. Now, if you correlate this with who has the largest reason to hate "White men," well, it's easy to narrow down a large number of variables and focus on the single factor. Every fucking "catastrophe" (tm) the World has the same, common denominator. It's up to you to find it, though and that'sifyou have the constitution to see it through.
Not everyone will make it down the rabbit hole.