Anonymous ID: ab511b July 6, 2024, 7:10 p.m. No.21151450   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1502


Yes, they do. Kek. Mom is 82, 1 kidney and on dialysis. She's been living with me and WifeAnon for 8 months now. A month ago, they moved her from dialysis 3x a week to 2x a week and she's on a 6 month regiment with her doctors. The only thing I did was change herdiet. Little to no processed foods. If she gets something processed, it's a treat day, which are rare or she ate it when she went out with other family members.


They've been lying to us about medicine and poisoning us for decades.

Anonymous ID: ab511b July 6, 2024, 7:21 p.m. No.21151527   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1536


>Wife and I cook from scratch.

That's what we do, as well. People have no idea just how much poison they're putting in their bodies by just purchasing processed foods, even at grocery stores. Sadly, my city won't allow us to have chickens, but my garden in the back is decent enough.

Anonymous ID: ab511b July 6, 2024, 7:24 p.m. No.21151556   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1611



Kek. Did you see the Gatekeeper Pundit article about this? Good ole glowie, Jim Hoft, made sure to make this about the "racist White woman" when he reported it, POTATUS' ignoring the woman a mere afterthought, even in the headline. Jimmy ran cover for Biden, by focusing on the "rayciss Whitey" (tm).

Anonymous ID: ab511b July 6, 2024, 7:49 p.m. No.21151737   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Do anos think that little dude on the right is the same dude who had s-e-x on the desk in the house?

No. that's "Lucian Wintrich IV" (tm). His real name is Lucian Einhorn. Worked at TGP as their WH Press Correspondent for about 2(?) years? Ran the "Twinks4Trump" campaign in 2016. Family has ties to [MOS]. Old Fag Anons might remember the digging on him in 2017 or so. Shortly before this TGP was getting curb stomped with litigation for bad reporting. Bam! Lucian shows up, they have WH Press Corps cred and TGP starts rising as the "underdog conservative news outlet" (tm). The lawsuits against TGP's reporting were around the same time Andrew Brietbart was "Arkancided" (tm) and Drudge sold DrudgeReport, so there was a vacuum for "Conservative News" (tm). Einhorn stays 2 or so years, then splits. He's now a ghost.


Scuttlebutt is, Einhorn has the goods on Hoft, so Hoft runs the plays, as ordered keeping everyone on the "Conservative Plantation" (tm) and his dirty laundry doesn't come out. Notice that as soon as the Oct 7th nonsense happened, TGP went full-blown Zionist. Before that you couldn't evenmentiona sub-group of our species, no one is allowed to question, nor criticize, without having your comment auto-moderated. All the "buzzwords" (tm) associated with said sub-group was verbum non grata on his site. Until Oct 7th, that is, when Americans started leaving the "Democratic Plantation" (tm) for the "Conservative Plantation" (tm) in droves.


TL;DR - Einhorn was Hoft's [handler].

Anonymous ID: ab511b July 6, 2024, 7:53 p.m. No.21151759   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Kek. Trump's body language here was epic. I loved the long pause, staring at the camera right after he calls Stephanopolous out for his ties to the Clintons.

Anonymous ID: ab511b July 6, 2024, 8:09 p.m. No.21151843   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>i have no proof for this but a fact is current "Joe" is not the Historical Joe.

Joe Biden is not POTATUS. For all their CIA masks, there are tells in the human face. No one is symmetrical.

>Been wondering if he is our Joe? Doing our bidding and acting the senile fool because that is his part. Not stepping down is the biggest FUXCk You to the Dems and Soros/Jugears and guarantees defeat.

I've been wondering this myself. My opine is that he's a "black hat" (tm) who flipped to "white hat" (tm), which explains his "deteriorating condition" (tm) and why Dr. Jill is his control-freak nanny. Joe got offed before the 2020 debates, this guy steps in and was given an ultimatum by the "white hats" (tm), which he accepted. Hunter is going to disappear with the wave of arrests that will happen if Trump is elected. I can't stand the Biden's, but Joe Biden is a fuck chop and his family is low hanging fruit compared to Schumer, Pelosi, Clintons, Schiff, Obamas, Bushes, et al. The Biden family were the inbred cousins who served a singular purpose for the rest of the family, as fodder.

>His antics will only get worse next 3 months because that is the script

Only to let him disappear, when everyone's attention is focused on bigger fish. The [D] Party know they're about to get curb stomped. They're still gonna try and steal, but it's going to be a blood bath. The [R] Party is also going to get curb stomped with America First (tm) candidates.

Anonymous ID: ab511b July 6, 2024, 8:16 p.m. No.21151894   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Kek. I'm starting to wonder if all these people calling for POTATUS to drop out are the ones who aren't quite initiated yet or were reluctant to be initiated. Notice it's all these non-descript, nobodies and not the major players, like Schiff, Raskin, Goldman, Moskowitz, Schumer, Graham, Duckworthless, McConnell, et al.

Anonymous ID: ab511b July 6, 2024, 8:19 p.m. No.21151914   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1938


>get ready for an 8 hr delay till next bread like yesterday

Kek. Such a shame that the spammer just showed up out of nowhere, forcing BO to require "credentials" (tm) to bake breads, as the only way to "prevent" (tm) it.

Anonymous ID: ab511b July 6, 2024, 8:27 p.m. No.21151962   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Kek. It's fine, Anon. Apparently conservatives should be more concerned with the "racist White woman" (tm) who was (allegedly) belittling this Black woman for holding a sign too high, so she couldn't see Biden. Biden apparently snubbed this woman for said "racist White woman" (tm).

Anonymous ID: ab511b July 6, 2024, 8:31 p.m. No.21151987   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yeah, I'm kekking at all the proto activations, the spammers and the mass deletions for "wrong think" (tm). At this point, I expect my poasts to be deleted, 'cos as soon as I see 'em do it, I start mocking them for it. People are lurking. Lurkers are dangerous for the status quo here.


They can't delete fast enough.

Anonymous ID: ab511b July 6, 2024, 9:14 p.m. No.21152167   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2211


>Serious question, who the hell in the Senate is actually going to cooperate with confirming Trump's picks this time around?

There's going to be a severe curb stomping come November. On both sides of the Aisle. AIPAC is still going to be a cancer, but by 2022, we'll be fully united behind America First. Democrats, though, are going to see a bloodbath. We're going to have a lot of special elections come 2025.

Anonymous ID: ab511b July 6, 2024, 9:18 p.m. No.21152191   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2207


Kek. Are they going to memory-hole Biden's 4 years as an illegitimate Presidency? That's going to add some drama to American history. I'm really looking forward to the "Paw Paw, what were the Meme Wars like?" stories with the grandkids.

Anonymous ID: ab511b July 6, 2024, 9:28 p.m. No.21152233   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Maybe some races, but I think the Presidential Election needs to be stolen again for the remaining normies in the back to "get it" at last.

Oh, the steal is in. That's a given. It's ride or die time for [(((them)))]. They don't have a choice. At this point the 5% or so that won't wake up, are still asleep. The rest of humanity is awake. They just haven't had their first cup of covfefe yet, but it's coming. The "October Surprises" (tm) are going to be good this year. They're going to try and steal a shit ton of seats in Congress, but they're still going to lose, but once the cheat is revealed, they're going to lose even more seats which will require special elections. In the meantime, the Governors are going to pick the surrogates and with the temporal shift going "MAGA" (tm), they'll steer that way as well.

Anonymous ID: ab511b July 6, 2024, 9:33 p.m. No.21152266   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>I know thats why he knew better before he published that silly photo. What could the message he was sending out be, and willing to get humiliated for?

Kek. Reptilians like raw meat, Anon.