>i have no proof for this but a fact is current "Joe" is not the Historical Joe.
Joe Biden is not POTATUS. For all their CIA masks, there are tells in the human face. No one is symmetrical.
>Been wondering if he is our Joe? Doing our bidding and acting the senile fool because that is his part. Not stepping down is the biggest FUXCk You to the Dems and Soros/Jugears and guarantees defeat.
I've been wondering this myself. My opine is that he's a "black hat" (tm) who flipped to "white hat" (tm), which explains his "deteriorating condition" (tm) and why Dr. Jill is his control-freak nanny. Joe got offed before the 2020 debates, this guy steps in and was given an ultimatum by the "white hats" (tm), which he accepted. Hunter is going to disappear with the wave of arrests that will happen if Trump is elected. I can't stand the Biden's, but Joe Biden is a fuck chop and his family is low hanging fruit compared to Schumer, Pelosi, Clintons, Schiff, Obamas, Bushes, et al. The Biden family were the inbred cousins who served a singular purpose for the rest of the family, as fodder.
>His antics will only get worse next 3 months because that is the script
Only to let him disappear, when everyone's attention is focused on bigger fish. The [D] Party know they're about to get curb stomped. They're still gonna try and steal, but it's going to be a blood bath. The [R] Party is also going to get curb stomped with America First (tm) candidates.