Anonymous ID: 54dd9f July 7, 2024, 1:52 p.m. No.21155838   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5841 >>5844 >>5852 >>5860 >>5868 >>5879 >>5898 >>5921

Prayer list:













Please anons


Steve Bannon

General Flynn

Alex Jones

Jim Watsons


add your Q hero to this list then we will move it around like a chain letter on the board!

OMG yes!

Praise God!










>>21155834 you shut up! Satan!


Anonymous ID: 54dd9f July 7, 2024, 1:54 p.m. No.21155844   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Prayer list:













Please anons


Steve Bannon

General Flynn

Alex Jones

Jim Watsons


add your Q hero to this list then we will move it around like a chain letter on the board!

OMG yes!

Praise God!










>>21155834 you shut up! Satan!


>>21155836 haters be hatin'!


>>21155838 pass it on anons! post it on twatter X! #QFRENPRAYERLIST

Anonymous ID: 54dd9f July 7, 2024, 1:55 p.m. No.21155852   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5856 >>5860 >>5868 >>5879 >>5898 >>5908 >>5921

Qanons Prayer list:


Please anons


Steve Bannon

General Flynn

Alex Jones

Jim Watsons


add your Q hero to this list then we will move it around like a chain letter on the board!

OMG yes!

Praise God!





















>>21155834 you shut up! Satan!


>>21155836 haters be hatin'!


>>21155838 pass it on anons! post it on twatter X! #QFRENPRAYERLIST








Anonymous ID: 54dd9f July 7, 2024, 1:58 p.m. No.21155860   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5868 >>5879 >>5898 >>5921

Qanons Prayer list:


Please anons


Steve Bannon

General Flynn

Alex Jones

Jim Watsons


add your Q hero to this list then we will move it around like a chain letter on the board!

OMG yes!

Praise God!





















>>21155834 you shut up! Satan!


>>21155836 haters be hatin'!


>>21155838 pass it on anons! post it on twatter X! #QFRENPRAYERLIST








>>21155847 omfg i have been doing research all my adult life, i am 23 now so long time i spent months on this and its all true! o7! jesus!









>>21155856 no you silly clown! you copy and paste the list here! just pick a hero… maybe TUCKER CARLSON?

Anonymous ID: 54dd9f July 7, 2024, 1:59 p.m. No.21155868   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5879 >>5898 >>5921 >>6078

Qanons Prayer list:


Please anons


Steve Bannon

General Flynn

Alex Jones

Jim Watsons

Tucker Carlson


add your Q hero to this list then we will move it around like a chain letter on the board!

OMG yes!

Praise God!





















>>21155834 you shut up! Satan!


>>21155836 haters be hatin'!


>>21155838 pass it on anons! post it on twatter X! #QFRENPRAYERLIST








>>21155847 omfg i have been doing research all my adult life, i am 23 now so long time i spent months on this and its all true! o7! jesus!









>>21155856 no you silly clown! you copy and paste the list here! just pick a hero… maybe TUCKER CARLSON?





list recently updated

ARCHIVING = = = = = =

Anonymous ID: 54dd9f July 7, 2024, 2:01 p.m. No.21155879   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Qanons Prayer list:


Please anons


Steve Bannon

General Flynn

Alex Jones

Jim Watsons

Tucker Carlson


add your Q hero to this list then we will move it around like a chain letter on the board!

OMG yes!

Praise God!





















>>21155834 you shut up! Satan!


>>21155836 haters be hatin'!


>>21155838 pass it on anons! post it on twatter X! #QFRENPRAYERLIST








>>21155847 omfg i have been doing research all my adult life, i am 23 now so long time i spent months on this and its all true! o7! jesus!









>>21155856 no you silly clown! you copy and paste the list here! just pick a hero… maybe TUCKER CARLSON?





list recently updated

ARCHIVING = = = = = =







>>21155867 <<< Baker this is probably something but TLDR


>>21155869 SPOOPY!!! stop scaring the children!



