Anons winning
Nothing can stop the winning
Nothing can stop choleric narcissists from seething
Real Anons winning
Satanic famefag board personality shills losing
Did anyone mention God bless all Jewish Patriots lately? The projection shill hall monitor really hates when real Anons destroy their projections.
Only a pussy or a faggot projects they are filtering someone like a filter queen. Saying you're filtering someone means you're a loser and you lost.
This meme exists for a reason.
Anons winning
Famefag board personality shills losing
Nothing is moar comfy than destroying board personality famefag shills on evening shift.
No famefag shills in here tonight? Guess they are destroyed.
Hard to say. Haven't seen the pathetic little ccp Chinese psyop fag in days. Either way it's bigly pathetic. And destroyed.
True or false
You are a shill = T
Anon is comfy = T
All board personality shills exposed and destroyed = T
Anons are winning = T
True or false only faggot 3 letter shills post the exact same eggstain egg man picture while asking True or false in 100% of their posts.
Beautiful Q posts fren
The shills became so irrelevant they left
You will ask true or false and post that picture again if you are a faggot
Lurk moar
Tippy top Chinese ccp psyop famefag destroying meme.
Too bad it's already destroyed.