. The funny thing is, all the DNC media talking heads knew of Mr. Biden's condition and knowingly hid it from the public. Don't let them act like they were surprised to find out themselves on debutchered night. Alot more eyes seeking truth since then.
. They've lost so much audience and are laying off in droves. Truth media hopefully will fill the vacuum. Influencers will come and go. Paid ones will be found out. Fake MAGA will be exposed. All gullible and die hards will beg forgiveness. But the media straight up lying to their network of repeaters is priceless. It's not that they ever get a story wrong, it's that they lie through their grins and investigators catch them in their lies.
. Don't let them lie in the future when they are forced to tell the truth about covid-19 a.k.a. CORONA (CROWN) orgins and the mRNA nanobot death jab. Blank ingredients list. 000-000 placebo lot numbers. Practice runs on how they roll during plandemics and other false flags.
. Big push equals fresh in minds before mainstream submits. Reverse gaslighting? Ungaslighting? Degaslighting? Deprogramming? Reprogramming? Why not both? What other known truths will the media be forced to admit loudly?