>PDJT Tweet:
>2018-07-31 08:14:18 (UTC+1)
>The globalist Koch Brothers, who have become a total joke in real Republican circles, are against Strong Borders and Powerful Trade. I never sought their support because I don’t need their money or bad ideas…
blast from the past …anons memba the Kansas Kochsucker, one of Trump's Deep State handlers …?
The Koch Brothers Get Their Very Own Secretary of State
Trump’s pick to replace Rex Tillerson is an errand boy for billionaires.
In the Republican wave election of 2010, when Charles and David Koch emerged as defining figures in American politics, the greatest beneficiary of Koch Industries largesse was a political newcomer named Mike Pompeo. After his election to the House eight years ago, Pompeo was referred to as the “Koch Brothers’ Congressman” and “the congressman from Koch.”