Anonymous ID: a5b62b July 8, 2024, 1:09 p.m. No.21162114   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2264



Mike Pence to Donald Trump: I love you, man


Chris Cillizza

Analysis by Chris Cillizza, CNN Editor-at-large

2 minute read

Updated 5:41 PM EST, Wed December 20, 2017




In his final Cabinet meeting of 2017, President Donald Trump touted the many historic accomplishments Donald Trump had ushered in during his first year in office. He then turned over the floor to Vice President Mike Pence to talk more about Donald Trump’s greatness.


And Pence, on cue, was more than happy to oblige. Here are a few of the greatest hits:


“Congratulations and thank you. Thank you for seeing through the course of this year an agenda that truly is restoring this country.

“You’ve restored American credibility on the world stage. We’re standing with our allies, we’re standing up to our enemies.”

“You signed more bills rolling back federal red tape than any president in American history. You’ve unleashed American energy. You’ve spurred an optimism in this country that’s setting records.”

“I’m deeply humbled as your vice president to be able to be here. Because of your leadership and because of the strong support of the leadership of the Congress, you’re delivering on that middle class miracle.”

“I want to thank you Mr President. I want to thank you for speaking on behalf of and fighting every day for the forgotten men and women of America.”


This is nothing new from Pence. From the second Trump plucked him from relative obscurity to serve as the vice presidential nominee, Pence has lauded – and defended – Trump at every turn. Through impolitic comments. Through policy flip-flops. Through attacks on Trump’s own Cabinet and GOP congressional leaders. Through it all, Pence has been perched over Trump’s shoulder – figuratively, but also many times literally – telling him “You’re right, boss. Good job. Keep doing it.”

There’s strategy here, of course. (Unlike the President, Pence has displayed a keen sense of strategic positioning – and execution – all the way back to his days as a member of the House.)


Pence knows that his path to the presidency – and, yes, of course he wants to be president – runs through being seen by Trump’s base as the logical heir to Trumpism. He will never be the anti-Trump candidate. He will never be the Trump alternative candidate. Pence will be either the Trump heir or he won’t be president.


That calculus won’t change whether Trump wins reelection in 2020 or loses that race. Trump’s shadow on the party is so long that Pence, long ago, decided that the only way to what he really wants is to stand solidly behind Trump – come what may.


There are, of course, questions about that path. If Trump loses in 2020, say, does the GOP want to nominate the vice president of the losing president in 2024? Is Trump’s base within the GOP big enough to get Pence to the nomination? Can Trump’s support be handed off to anyone not named “Donald Trump”?


Pence likely knows all of these things. (He has surrounded himself, to his credit, with a bunch of smart political people). But, he also knows that there is no path to being president for Mike Pence that doesn’t run directly through Donald Trump.


In short: Don’t expect Pence to get off the Trump praise bandwagon anytime soon. Ain’t happening.

Anonymous ID: a5b62b July 8, 2024, 1:25 p.m. No.21162227   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2258

PDJT says Joe Dropping Out!

Anonymous ID: a5b62b July 8, 2024, 1:47 p.m. No.21162345   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2365 >>2388 >>2431 >>2614



There are plans for Trump and his VP pick to host a reception in Milwaukee on 🔜 July 17, during the Republican National Convention, that will be called the "Strength in Unity Reception."


The event will raise money for the Trump 47 Committee, the Save America PAC, the RNC and state Republican parties, in that order of priority.

The intrigue: Trump has said he'll announce his running mate soon, and the RNC's plans suggest he'll have done so by 🔜 July 17, the third day of the convention.

Anonymous ID: a5b62b July 8, 2024, 1:56 p.m. No.21162388   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2409 >>2431 >>2614






Palm Beach Playbook - July 8, 2024

July 08, 2024




July 8, 2024


RNC PROGRAM ANNOUNCED! – Today, the Donald J. Trump Campaign, together with the Republican National Committee, released program themes for the “Make America Great Once Again” Convention in Milwaukee.


The themes are:

Monday: Make America Wealthy Once Again

Tuesday: Make America Safe Once Again

Wednesday: Make America Strong Once Again

Thursday: Make America Great Once Again

While this Convention will highlight Republican leaders, supporters, industry leaders, and pop culture icons, the real stars of the convention are everyday Americans – who will highlight why the only way to restore the American dream and preserve freedom for future generations is to once again elect President Trump! For more, click here.

“A WRECK IN SLOW MOTION” – Who let Crooked Joe Biden call into MSDNC this morning? It was like watching a train wreck in slow motion. The Team Trump rapid response team has the breakdown.


Amid the lowlights:

Crooked Joe was clearly reading from a pre-written script.

Crooked Joe doubled down on his flailing candidacy: “I'm not going anywhere!”

Crooked Joe repeated the debunked “suckers and losers” hoax – and absurdly claimed he was with President Trump when it allegedly unfolded.

Crooked Joe rambled incoherently – again and again and again.

Anonymous ID: a5b62b July 8, 2024, 2:52 p.m. No.21162646   🗄️.is đź”—kun




Dedication: To the Forgotten Men and Women of America

Anonymous ID: a5b62b July 8, 2024, 3:01 p.m. No.21162692   🗄️.is đź”—kun



#21157772 at 2024-07-08 02:19:17 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #25931: Ride the Waves Edition


🇺🇸 - Team Trump

đźš« Q The Plan to Save The World - Team Flynn


🇺🇸 The Great Awakening - Team Trump

đźš« The ReAwakening Tour - Team Flynn


🇺🇸 Law & Order - Team Trump

đźš« Punisher (Outlaw) - Team Flynn


🇺🇸 Keyboard Warriors - Trump Army

🚫 DigitalSoldiers™ - McCrystal-Flynn Army


🇺🇸 Agenda 47 - Team Trump

đźš« Project 2025 - Sloppy Steve Bannon - Team Flynn


🇺🇸 - Team Trump

đźš« Flynn Movie - Team Flynn


🇺🇸 Trump Endorsed - Team Trump

đźš« Flynn Endorsed - Team Flynn, Stone, Jones, Bannon, Byrne, Raiklin, Powell, Lin Wood (Establishment)


🇺🇸 Biblical - Team Trump

đźš« Global Alien Agenda - Team Flynn


🇺🇸 Pro-Life - Team Trump

đźš« Pro-abortion - Team Flynn


The infiltrators Counterfeit Everything PDJT Does


I love PDJT!

Christmas In July 🎄

Pass The Indiana Popcorn 🍿

Anonymous ID: a5b62b July 8, 2024, 3:10 p.m. No.21162745   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Bill Essayli


California DMV has always given illegals Drivers licenses spanish speakers always DEFAULT to Democrats!

Also, under 18 applicants also default to Democrats upon 18th Birthday! It’s how California Turned Blue!

Democrats Illegally Use DMV offices to commit Voter Fraud!

Also, US Census to Keep Majority of House Seats.