Anonymous ID: e9b3b6 July 8, 2024, 3:39 p.m. No.21162997   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Re: >>21162403, >>21162595, >>21162627, >>21162647, >>21162662, >>21162667, >>21162718


I would prefer to see it remain online. If you need help fund-raising to purchase a new server for your radio program, I'd be willing to assist?


Some days, the only humor I can find worth laughing at, is to be found here.


And then of course, there are the shills, fed plants, bots and occasional sewer rats who are pedovoric monsters - or those attempting to frame innocent Americans (who are themselves posting the spirit-torching crap).


All of these are worth it. On the first hand, an encouragement that this work hasn't been for nothing.


And on the other hand, a persistent reminder that evil still lurks among us wearing false badges of authority.


Reply to this post for assistance - and I'll do what I can to assist?