Anonymous ID: 2edfbe July 8, 2024, 7:22 p.m. No.21164357   🗄️.is 🔗kun



that is not it.

jim is old school and money is nothing.

there are ways around the system.

digitial cash drops from anonymous users is not needed.

jim has dealt with clowns, feds and the clowns in d.c .

there are endless way to get fiat..

This is something else.

of course jim is only asking the question

is it worth keeping 8kun going?

the answer right now up until the election is

it is critical

it does not even matter if Q never comes back, the anons are here.

All anon sees in fuckery with the site and ocnstant attacks by spam, shills and the clowns in the kitchen like anime, doge, t.m poster and pig.

will keep a eye on jim on gab and others can post the next post from X

until than hold the line.