Anonymous ID: 8d765c July 8, 2024, 6:14 p.m. No.21163957   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3965 >>3991 >>4035 >>4051 >>4059 >>4080 >>4198 >>4342 >>4347

More than two dozen [A]irmen & [G]uardians executed.


President Biden




Russiaโ€™s missile strikes that today killed dozensof Ukrainian civilians and caused damage and casualties at Kyivโ€™s largest childrenโ€™s hospital are a horrific reminder of Russia's brutality. It is critical that the world continues to stand with Ukraine at this important moment and that we not ignore Russian aggression.


This week, I will be welcoming President Zelenskyy and NATO leaders to Washington D.C., and I will be meeting with President Zelenskyy to make clear our support for Ukraine is unshakeable.


Jul 9, 2024 ยท 12:33 AM UTC


POTUS just confirmed my post.

Godspeed patriots.
