Memeing got my child kidnapped and probably gang raped to death
Here in America
Here posting on 8chan and 8kun
Most my life has been some Freemason setup
But the point is freemasons have been the one kidnapping everyone children from around the world behind the American flag, remember that as the borders were flung open on TV
So remain just a memer, you'll be gangstalked soon Enough
Just remember my kid was kidnapped and probably murdered my a satanic pedophile ring who uses tax dollars to employ fellow Satan worshippers
Here in America
Not Asia
Not Mexico
Not Canada
Not Ukraine
Not China
Not north kored
A child was kidnapped and probably murdered by a satanic cult here in America
Oh and they cheat the votes using child brides
Doesn't matter how much you spend on a campaign
Doesn't matter how much you favored that judge or sheriff over the other
The child brides loyal to a satanic cult decide for us all in demoNcracy