Negative. I'm just a memer doing memey things while mouthing off the deep state losers that are assigned here. I'm not doing anything that anyone else isn't, hence there is nothing special. I've also accidentally mistaken Anons for shills, thus proving beyond a shadow of a doubt there is nothing special.
And he announces his appearance the exact same time every time like an NPC. Coincidentally just like the mimic does as well too.
I respond to one anon saying there's nothing special about myself and you come flying in from nowhere with limp vitriol over not considering myself special? The fuck is wrong with you? I have to filter you now, one post.
Although, come to think of it, there wouldn't be so much imitation of one individual by multiple shills and even wealthy individuals outside of this board if their target wasn't special in some capacity. Doesn't make sense to me that they would be so consumed with a nobody mouthing them off than others that do it better than I.
No offense, Corp, but you display similarities in vocabulary and behavior with VaticanClown. Just saying. Not saying you are him, just that you display some of the same patterns as him. Now, he imitates me, quite a bit as a matter of fact, so perhaps he's imitating you as well.
Oh look, I was wondering when the rest of the retard clown car would arrive. Seems he decided to namefag rather than fontfag/despairfag this bread.
And it disappears completely from thought with one simple filter.
I really like how I heard one person put it, and I can't remember who it was otherwise I'd give them credit: "People aren't worried about another 4 years of Biden, they're worried about another 4 months of Biden." Can't remember if I heard it in the news or read it somewhere online or in print somewhere. but it's stuck with me since I heard it.
>more quality contributions here.
Half the bandwidth to stream, comparable audio quality.
Decided to stop namefagging and went full retard with the fontfagging persona, huh? You can IP hop now, imbecile.
SmokingPepe likes MJ, better make some memes tying him to the MuhJoo narrative and make it an entire gimmick. Morans.
"Maybe if we tarnish the image of MJ with MuhJoo that fucker will stop posting that popcorn gif that drives us batshit crazy."
Oh they're mad now. Busting out the gore because they feel they're losing on optics. Hit a nerve with the MJ analysis, didn't I, you evil little retard.
>I havenโt been here for awhile
Maybe you should lurk again before trying to be a trolly agitant to one of the few anons willing to battle in the sphere of ideas. That has been under attack for a year along with other Anons the shills have seemingly identified as "problematic" to their ability to shill unimpeded. I have to filter you now.
Just to the deep state asshats like you. Going to try claiming that Q's trip is blocked? That someone took Q's trip? You clowns never learn and still do the same shit over and over and over because Alinsky told you it would break through, right, if you just keep the pressure on it will work out in your favor, right? What happens when your playbook is known, when your patterns are known, and when after half a damn decade you don't improvise or adapt, when you just do the same thing and change one little detail like the target and use the exact same patterns? What happens then? Smells like checkmate then.
Eat the cheese and the chainsaw.
Waitโฆ is it cheese and a chainsaw, or chainsaw cheese. Eat the chainsaw cheese!
>But at this point it's obvious the comms are coming from X posts.
>The whole Qanon thing and i hate the term Qanon is done.
Not even close
>We have everything we need.
You don't speak for me.
>Time to participate in life with family if you have anyโฆ or go out and make one.
You don't get to tell me what to do either.
Filtered for the weakest display of despairfagging I've ever seen.
They're scared when they post CP. They know where each and every one of us live, shills. You're on borrowed time and I don't think you'll like when it's time to collect.
>How many kids you got anon?
What does that have to do with anything?
>My point proven.
What point is that, one post?
>It was from the heart. You took it the way you wanted to take it.
Oh, so that was your post and you had to IP hop to reply? Yeah, that doesn't make you look like a shill at all, especially after your pitiful doubtfagging attempt. Guess who's filtered again.
Silence, AEI. You know how you love to claim that no one hear knows the enemy. You're the enemy, or moar specifically, the little pencil neck piece of shit at the keyboard overseeing your persona, that's the enemy. Now IP hop because everything about you is contingent upon forced visibility. Dumbfuck clown.
Board personalities are standing in the way of the shills. If it was up to the clowns it'd be a homogenous blob they can easily control. Personality thrown into the mix puts a monkey wrench into their ability to do that, so they whine about it, try to castigate anyone that dares to have one that isn't under their control while giving the ones under their control a free pass. Board personalities, I would argue, are essential at this point in the endgame.
Good work. Sleep well. The clowns will most likely try to imitate you in the morning.