Baker, please use the NEW globals only.
We need to focus only on keeping the site and the board alive, top priority.
I made the change last night, will repost.
Baker, please use the NEW globals only.
We need to focus only on keeping the site and the board alive, top priority.
I made the change last night, will repost.
Glad the Proto update works, Gerbs.
here is the post from last night for context, along with a pastebin for globals:
>>21163555 pb
>>21164101 pb
thanks for the input.
let's keep this place ALIVE!!
Bunker = https: '//'
>>20022853 Posting Guidelines; >>21163876 Moar Anon Info
>>19089065 Baking Tools & Guidelines; >>21163829 Moar BAKER info
>>18024378, >>18561054 PROTO Instructions – help support 8kun
>>21162403, >>21162595, >>21162627, >>21162647, >>21162662, >>21162667, >>21162718 @thejimwatkins: Is it worth keeping 8un online? NEW
YES!!!!! Let Jim know & give what you can
Jim's twitter:
Advertise on 8kun:; "Merch link: >>21164266
Donation bitcoin address: 1KiJD44WeWKaDb4Newr7bDXadtGn21ACqY
PO box: Is It Wet Yet Inc, C/O Jim Watkins, P.O. Box 404, Davis, CA 95617
baker, please swap this out for old Globals
PASTEBIN for Globals:
there's a slight correction needed for the bunker link, should be:
Bunker =
there's one more:
Advertise on 8kun:; "'Merch link: >>21164266
should be
Advertise on 8kun:; "'Merch link:''' >>21164266
thanks Gerbs.
MONEY will keep this board alive.
What do you think free enterprise is about? Living off air or sponging off others?
>was literally present during your bullshit.
but are too lazy to look for links to prove your point.
The board is what it is: a place to dig, meme and pray using Q's posts as guidelines.
There have been many great digs on the board.
And there have been specialized threads as well, plus internationals. Archivists and anons like ResignationAnon provide an incredible database of useful info collected on QR. There are resource threads as well, example: one on endchan on election fraud that represents nine months of work by myself and another anon.
What is hard for many anons is to dig without a prompt from Q. It's also hard to get the attention of anons or bakers for independent digs, to get across the import of a dig, especially if it's cutting edge.
Nevertheless -
Q said "we are the news."
Regardless of whether most info here is a deep dig or a report on current events, IT IS CRITICAL because it is the closest thing on the internet to up-to-date info on current events. Where else can you get news as it is unfolding from a freedom-oriented perspective?
It's an INFORMATION WAR - we provide information critical to understanding the global situation. Sometimes the sources are MSM (reveals what DS is up to, current machinations), sometimes they are more trustworthy (Revolver, Red State, GP, etc). Both have value to a discerning reader. Some of the latter are very deep digs.
We don't have to do it all, it's enough to grease the wheels of the patriot movement with lightning fast reporting of what's unfolding in the moment.
>Oh look my posts got deleted AGAIN.
>Sure, sure.
>Let's run it down one more time.
>The servers, given the capacity they server cost 300-400/mo speaking generously. They will neer go above 1000$/mo again. If you want proof go look at daily posters per board on the homepage. Qresearch barely ever reaches 150 posters/day now.
>They are fleecing you.
>BO is mossad, and is heavy into censoring anything that ends the happy little narrative charade they have going here. This board is not free speech, does not value truth, does not dig. It memes, and prays. That's fucking it.
>Jim didn't even know what was going on when Q started posting. He was sick with cancer.
>Since then he has hopped on the money wagon and does everything he can to elevate himself to a position of financial comfort using this platform, and movement.
>Board owner is fine having a quick chat/argument, unless he starts to look fucking retarded. >Then he hides like a dumb little cuck bitch and deletes everything 10 minutes later.@@@
The reason your posts are deleted is because they are full of vitriol and false information. And are spammed.
You are entitled to your opinion but not to ram it down the throats of a board that supports Q and seeks to overcome obstacles not to create them.
>I don't know the entire plan
Right. We don't know. The bigger plan goes even beyond Q - why we pray. Fight hard for this platform, this board, because it's a powerful tool in the info war. Whatever happens, its impact has been immense. Here's to many more months and years of service, whatever form that takes.
you are being given good advice by BV
posting with red text is SHOUTING
everyone knows this