Jews must be bannished from commerce totally. And given a shovel and a bag of chick pea seeds. Come back in a decade and see if they made it or not.
Bobby Fischer had morals. Dont know how he ended up with some. Maybe a rare combination of the genetics. But a Jew that tells the truth is a rare creature indeed.
And he used his big brain for thinking about how to free humanity and not parasite off of them for all time. Jews think shifting numbers around on a ledger or in a computer is working. They are just vampirically sucking our energy because they learned to hoard their money and use that to bribe or threaten the weaker or morally unfit host populations.
Jews can not exist long term because they need a host to parasite off of. This is why they push robots an AI so hard. Because they knew if we woke up they would have to kill us. And they aint going to do any work themselves so they had to risk their destruction to get the world advanced technology wise so they could kill us off. Again that Jew aint gonna farm that land or build that house themselves.