Anonymous ID: 4440e1 July 11, 2018, 11:17 a.m. No.2117750   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Clowns lost

not R v D

Comms no longer theirs

C_A -No Such Agency

Nothing is safe

They hear them breathing

They can hear us breathing

Q has Everything

From @Jack and NP

to Black Hats @ Sky Event

Not even Snowden hiding under a blanket can hide

These People are Stupid.

Some still use comms

Some are too old to learn anything else

Some relied on images of water, colors, hand signals

EVERYTHING is a photo-op to send messages

Cabal learns of Q, puppets learn of Q

The EVIL come here to watch as they are slowly brought to LIGHT

They wish to derail but Brock's old playbook is meaningless

and Heart attacks are Deadly