Anonymous ID: 5d7210 July 11, 2018, 9:57 a.m. No.2117031   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7066 >>7076

>>2116935 (lb)

>It only seems necessary in your mind.

You are either completely ignorant on how memetic/informational warfare works, or you're a kike shill.

>Give it a rest.

Your dissuasion attempt just made me decide that instead of going out this afternoon, I am going to stay here countering kike shills all day and night.

Thanks for the inspiration :)


>>2116939 (lb)

My 3+ years of autistic research and digging confirm this statement as true.


>>2116953 (lb)

It is verifiable and factual that jewish subversion and supremacism are the number 1 threat to the West for the last 200 years.

Cry more kike :)

Anonymous ID: 5d7210 July 11, 2018, 10:10 a.m. No.2117118   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7132


Yep, I did notice that too.



>But a Jew that tells the truth is a rare creature indeed.

My exact experience IRL and online too. Many of them are indoctrinated with that zionism bullshit and that jewish supremacist God's chosen bullshit and they never get rid of the conditioning. Too bad for them, that makes them enemies of the West.


>Rest of the post

Agree 100%.

They need to get a grip, or they will be killed en mass until only 100-1000 of them remain.

Anonymous ID: 5d7210 July 11, 2018, 10:12 a.m. No.2117139   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Friendly reminder that jewish supremacism and subversion are the most dangerous threats to the West at this moment in time, and that the EU ideological father, Richard Kalergi was a non-jew jew-supremacist whose vision was one of genociding ALL goyim races via miscegenation using the flooding of the West with millions of African so that the whole world could then be ruled by pure linage jews (pics related 2, 3 and 4 prove that there is a jewish race and pic number 5 is a chapter from the book โ€œWhen Victims Ruleโ€ that delves into the sometimes confusing subject of what is a jew).


Graph last updated on 10/07/2018 (European date format) and now includes:

-link to archive link of the history of Central Banking graph in order to provide verifiability on the claim that the Rothschild control the central banking cartel business;

-source and archive link to the creation and origins of ACUE (American Committee on United Europe) which was created in 1948, 3 years before the EU first treaty was signed in 1951;

-the origins of the word โ€œcabalโ€ and its relation to jewish religion and mysticism.

-the news that announced that UN itself admitted that 70% of the migrants invading Europe are NOT refugees, but mere illegal economic migrants

-the 2016 news of Antรณnio Guterres speaking in Lisbon at the Vision Europe Summit, in which he said that European nations have no right to control their borders and that they must instead take in floods of the worldโ€™s poorest people and insisted that every European Union (EU) nation must be forced to โ€œshare the burdenโ€ of mass migration.

Anonymous ID: 5d7210 July 11, 2018, 10:21 a.m. No.2117217   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7228 >>7233


Nice try kike shill, legitimate criticism against Israel and jewish subversion is not shilling, but I would not expect an Israel first traitor kike like you to understand that :)



Jewish subversion being the number one active threat in the West and the US at this moment in time, and how Israel uses US tax payer money to finance their subversive efforts (including online censorship and shilling/trolling).


>US tax money at work:

US Military Aid to Israel (3,6 billion USD per year (9,8 MILLION American tax dollars per day)) โ€“ IDF โ€“ Hasbara duty โ€“ Online shills


>By the way, Obama sent 36 billion USD to Israel has military aid in 2016, remember that the next time some jewish shill tries to tell you that Obama was against Israel


Remember these verifiable FACTS about US tax money and Israel military aid the next time you come across the porn shills, the FE shills, the concernfaggotry shills etcโ€ฆ If youโ€™re an American tax payer, those people are getting your money to discredit you and put crap and disinfo in front of you while you try to make use of your 1st amend (and they would love nothing more than to make it illegal (and a mental illness) to make any kind of legitimate criticism on Israel and jewish subversion and supremacism).


And remember that plenty of those 9,8 MILLION American tax dollars that get sent to Israel each and every day are going toward supporting ISIS, and this is too a verifiable FACT


Press each and every politician to END THE US AID TO ISRAEL RIGHT NOW, refuse to finance the number 1 enemy of the West, Israel

Anonymous ID: 5d7210 July 11, 2018, 10:31 a.m. No.2117336   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7342


Kek, nice pilpul and feeble attempt at deflection via ad-hominem kike.

Jewish subversion is the number 1 enemy of the West, it is a fact and a verifiable one, and all that try to downplay its importance and magnitude, like you, are kike shills that will hang :)




Frindly reminder that while the Frankfurt School jewish communist cultural marxists subverted the education system and dem party (and are the ideological fathers of the anti-A1, anti-A2, anti-West, anti-Christian โ€œprogressiveโ€ political movement) when they went to the US because of WW2, the rep party was subverted by the communism Trotskyites jewish intelectuals who became known has the neocons and were the main pushers for the use of US Military in ME with the objective of destabilizing it with the purpose of helping the expansion of Israel.

Anonymous ID: 5d7210 July 11, 2018, 10:35 a.m. No.2117363   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7424 >>7485


I don't hate the jews, but I hate jewish supremacism and subversion.


David Duke is DR. David Duke, he has been a senator and he speaks in factual and verifiable facts.

And the one who debunked the false Khazar theory was Kevin MacDonald, and Dr. David Duke is merely interviewing him.

Also, jews are the most racist people to walk the Earth.

Cry more kike :)