Anonymous ID: 4f3543 July 9, 2024, 4:35 p.m. No.21169711   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9797 >>0117 >>0191 >>0423

Health Officials Confirm Human Case Of Plague In Colorado


Health officials in Colorado are investigating a human case of the plague in a resident who contracted the infectious disease caused by the bacteria Yersinia pestis.

Anonymous ID: 4f3543 July 9, 2024, 5:02 p.m. No.21169955   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0117 >>0191 >>0423

Bill Shorten managed NDIS has fraudulent spending of at least $5.5 billion a year on sex toys, gambling and cannabis etc


Bill Shorten told parliament on Tuesday (2-7-24) that $billions of National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) spending is being rorted on things such as “strata fees, fines, steam rooms, gambling, legal cannabis, cruises, trips to Japan, non-assistance animals, taxidermy, weddings, gift cards, the Liberal favourite sex toys, crystal therapy, cardiol therapy, clairvoyants and taro, somatic therapy, mastermind coaches and cryptocurrency”.


The NDIS is heading towards being a bigger fraud scam than Jobkeeper and it is possibly already a bigger fraud scam.


Bill Shorten also said, as per the below video, an 8-week delay on a reform bill to stop the rorts that is currently stuck in the Senate will add $1 billion in “inflated costs to the NDIS”. If that is true it means $5.5 billion is being rorted on a yearly basis.


The rorting doesn’t include substantial fraud and theft such as overcharging and fake invoices etc.


Bill Shorten in the below video blames the Coalition and says to opposition leader Peter Dutton “Why are you keeping these rorts on the scheme?” “It is all on the head of the coalition. You couldn’t run the NDIS, we’re fixing it”


In the above video Bill Shorten says NDIS spending is being rorted on things such as “strata fees, fines, steam rooms, gambling, legal cannabis, cruises, trips to Japan, non-assistance animals, taxidermy, weddings, gift cards, the Liberal favourite sex toys, crystal therapy, cardiol therapy, clairvoyants and taro, somatic therapy, mastermind coaches and cryptocurrency”.


How long has Bill Shorten known about those “rorts”? If Shorten has known about the “rorts” for over 2 years since he became the Minister for the NDIS, he should be sacked for failing to take action earlier. If Shorten only found out about the “rorts” recently he should be sacked for failing to do his job for over 2 years.


Bill Shorten has been the Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and for Government Services since May 2022 and he was the Shadow Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and for Government Services from May 2019 until he became the Minister in May 2022.


Shorten has known about the massive NDIS fraud and theft for years and still massive fraud and theft is occurring. Shorten blaming the coalition for fraud and theft that has happened on Shortens watch over the last 2 years is scandalous.


In August 2022 I published an article titled “Bill Shorten, Labor’s version of Angus Taylor, is doing nothing about the estimated $6 Billion being stolen from the NDIS. Why?” which starts off:


Bill Shorten, Minister for the NDIS, has failed to take any action regarding the $billions being stolen from the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) every year even though he says he has known it has been going on for a long time so much so he continually warned the previous government about the fraud and theft.


Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission CEO Michael Phelan estimates the fraud and theft could be up to 20% of the $30 billion annual cost which puts the total amount stolen from the public purse at $6 billion. (Click here to read the article)

Anonymous ID: 4f3543 July 9, 2024, 5:21 p.m. No.21170144   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0154 >>0189 >>0191 >>0423



Perfecttime to remind everyone about the takedown of the Saudi side of the pyramid


Detained Saudi Royal Suffers Heart Attack: Sources Close To Family


A detained Saudi royal who was swept up in a 2018 crackdown recently suffered a heart attack while under house arrest in Riyadh, sources close to the family said Tuesday.


Abdulaziz Al Saud and his son Salman have been held for six years without formal charges since Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman led a clampdown on critics and rivals from within the ruling family six years ago.


On Friday, Prince Abdulaziz was taken to hospital with a heart attack, said a source close to the family who spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of reprisal.


He returned to his residence in the capital three days later where he continues to be kept under house arrest alongside his son, said the same source.


"We feel very worried about his state of health," the source said.


"He doesn't have medical assistance inside the house," the source added, blaming the prince's deteriorating health on his continued detention.


Another source close to the family confirmed the heart attack, saying Prince Abdulaziz was transferred home "for better rest and care".


The case of Prince Abdulaziz and his son has triggered international lobbying efforts for their release, including from European lawmakers and the United Nations.


In 2021, the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention accused Saudi authorities of "arbitrarily" detaining the two members of the royal family.


"The two men appear to have been targeted for being who they are and for their membership of the royal family," the UN group said.


Prince Salman, educated at Paris's Sorbonne University, is a minor royal who posed no apparent challenge to the crown prince.


Observers say the royal court may have been irked by Prince Salman's meeting with Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff just before the US elections in 2016.


Schiff is a critic of US President Donald Trump, who is a staunch backer of Prince Mohammed.

Anonymous ID: 4f3543 July 9, 2024, 5:53 p.m. No.21170432   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0441

Justice Department Leads Efforts Among Federal, International, and Private Sector Partners to Disrupt Covert Russian Government-Operated Social Media Bot Farm


Russia’s State-Run RT News Network Developed and Federal Security Service Operated the Artificial Intelligence-Enhanced Bot Farm to Disseminate Disinformation to Sow Discord in the United States and Elsewhere

