Anonymous ID: 774ccb July 9, 2024, 4:34 p.m. No.21169696   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9705

>>>TROJAN HORSE: North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum’s

>>>History of Selling Out to China, Kowtowing to Bill Gates,

>>>Supporting Transgenderism & Hating Trump is Revealed


Coming seemingly out of nowhere, Burgum is now being aggressively astroturfed as the new

sensation of the conservative media establishment, particularly by globalist-run Fox News.

Burgum is saying all the right things as he sees a potential vice presidential nomination

in his future.


However, before Burgum became the darling of the conservative media gatekeepers, he was a

typical globalist politician with deep ties to China and Bill Gates who vetoed bills to

protect children from transgenderism and trashed Trump on the campaign trail.





In 2021, Burgum was a vocal advocate of selling 300 acres of premium North Dakota farmland

to a Chinese food manufacturing company. The location would have been only 20 minutes from

the Grand Forks Air Force Base where sophisticated military drones are regularly tested.


When it was announced that the Chinese Fufeng Group would dump $700 million into its

colonization project within North Dakota, Burgum saw the dollar signs and endorsed the deal



“Adding value to our corn and other raw commodities is critical to North Dakota’s long-term

economic success, and this value-added project represents a huge opportunity for producers

and workers in the Grand Forks area and our entire state,” Gov. Burgum said in a statement.


The deal only fell through after significant public backlash and opposition from the Air

Force exposed how dangerous it was.


“Grand Forks Air Force Base is the center of military activities related to both air and

space operations,” the Air Force wrote in a letter addressed to North Dakota Senators John

Hoeven and Kevin Cramer.


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Anonymous ID: 774ccb July 9, 2024, 4:35 p.m. No.21169705   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9713



“While [the Committee for Foreign Investment in the United States] concluded that it did

not have jurisdiction, the Department’s view is unambiguous: the proposed project presents

a significant threat to national security with both near- and long-term risks of

significant impacts to our operations in the area,” the Air Force continued.




Burgum made his millions by seizing control of Great Plains Software, a firm that provided

accounting software to small and medium-sized businesses. He sold out to Microsoft for $1.1

billion in 2001, becoming life-time friends with Bill Gates in the process.


Gates kept Burgum around at Microsoft as the manager of Microsoft Business Solutions

following the acquisition. When Burgum retired from being a corporate raider and joined the

political world, he kept his ties with Gates intact and made it clear that Gates was highly

influential in shaping his gubernatorial agenda.


In 2017, Gates visited North Dakota where he met with Gov. Burgum. Burgum bragged on social

media about the visit where he gushed about Gates’ work in promoting globalism.


“Tremendously grateful to welcome Bill Gates to North Dakota this past weekend for a wide-

ranging conversation on the important issues facing citizens in our state, and around the

world. Harnessing technology is key to driving innovation in all areas of government, from

healthcare and addiction, to justice reform, education and infrastructure. Bill’s

leadership and commitment to improving the world around him is an inspiration for finding

creative solutions to 21st century challenges,” Burgum said in a Facebook post.


Gates donated $100,000 to Burgum’s gubernatorial campaign in 2016. Perhaps as a result of

his campaign contributions to Burgum, Gates was able to flout state laws meant to protect

small farmers and swallow up 2,100 acres of prime farm land through his ‘Red River Trust’

shell organization.


“The governor strongly supports family farms and is open to discussions about cutting red

tape that puts North Dakota farmers at a disadvantage compared with neighboring states and

ensuring that our ranchers and farmers can succeed and grow their operations, helping rural

communities to thrive,” Burgum spokesman Mike Nowatzki said after news of Gates’ farmland

purchase drew widespread outrage.


Despite the lip service from Burgum’s administration, former North Dakota Commissioner of

Agriculture Sarah Vogel stated that Burgum’s AG stonewalled her investigation into Gates’

seemingly illegal land grab. She noted that the AG did not even have access to the Red

River Trust’s documents before approving the deal.


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Anonymous ID: 774ccb July 9, 2024, 4:36 p.m. No.21169713   🗄️.is 🔗kun



“Bill Gates is a very wealthy man. He’s a close associate of the Governor who appointed

[Attorney General] Drew Wrigley to the office that he holds. And I would say Attorney

General Wrigley’s behavior is such that he’s shown he’s not committed to enforcing the

law,” Vogel said.




As one would expect from a Bill Gates acolyte, Burgum pushes policies that are left of

center on many key issues, including green energy, transgenderism and school policy.


In 2021, Burgum vetoed legislation that would have banned transgender athletes from

competing in sporting events outside of their birth gender.


“North Dakota has fairness in girls’ and boys’ sports in large part because of the caring

and thoughtful leadership of the North Dakota High School Activities Association (NDHSAA)

Board and its members,” Burgum said at the time to justify his cowardice. “We have every

confidence they will continue to ensure a level playing field for the more than 27,000

students who participate in North Dakota high school sports.”


Burgum doubled down on his support of transgenderism in 2023 when he vetoed legislation

that would have banned the use of transgender pronouns by public school officials.


“The teaching profession is challenging enough without the heavy hand of state government

forcing teachers to take on the role of pronoun police,” Burgum stated in a letter.

“Parents, teachers and administrators using compassion, empathy and common sense can

address individual and infrequent situations that may arise.”


In that same year, Burgum vetoed school choice legislation promoted by conservatives in

North Dakota. The legislation would have earmarked $10 million in the general fund for

educational reimbursement meant to give more options to North Dakota families. Burgum

vetoed the legislation and claimed he did so because the measure did “not go far enough.”


“Simply put, [the legislation] does not go far enough to promote competition and expand

choice in K-12 education,” Burgum wrote. “If not done correctly now, this bill could impede

our ability to expand school choice in a meaningful way in the years ahead.”


Burgum also invited Biden Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm to his state where they spread

propaganda in a bipartisan manner about global warming. Burgum even stated that his plan to

make North Dakota “carbon neutral” by 2030, a plan that would destroy the oil industry that

sustains North Dakota’s prosperity.


“This may seem like a moonshot, but it’s actually not,” Burgum said during a conference

featuring oil workers and executives in 2021, touting his goals for net zero carbon in the

state. “This is actually completely doable.”


“To be able to say you’re going to be a state that is putting its stake in the ground for

zero carbon, when you have such a fossil fuel history, is really courageous and it’s great

leadership. It means you’re going to invest in the technology that it takes to get there,

as a goal,” Granholm said, praising Burgum’s green policies.




Burgum ran for the Republican presidential nomination in 2024, in a failed long-shot

candidacy, with the hopes of keeping President Trump off the ballot.


Amidst Trump’s many politically-charged prosecutions, Burgum stated in 2023 that he would

no longer be willing to do business with Trump.


“I don’t think so,” Burgum said to NBC News when asked whether he would do business with

Trump. “I just think that it’s important that you’re judged by the company you keep.”


Burgum is also an election fraud denier who has made it clear that he believes Biden is the

lawful and legitimate President.


“I believe that Joe Biden won the election,” Burgum said to ABC last year.


Burgum was also one of the many Republicans who threw Trump under the bus in 2016 after his

controversial “Access Hollywood” recordings were released to the public.


“These comments are offensive, wrong, and unacceptable. It is disappointing that our

presidential nominating system produced two flawed candidates,” Burgum said.


Burgum’s record should disqualify him as a vice presidential candidate. He would be the

globalist Trojan Horse planted in the administration by the Deep State, similar to former

Indiana Governor Mike Pence, to severely undermine President Trump’s America First agenda.


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