Anonymous ID: 25c199 July 9, 2024, 6:45 p.m. No.21170799   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0941

Q Team:


Neighbor to west left a letter letting me know @ 9 tree trimmers are coming to top off his trees from his side, yet he stated that he hears no popping bladder sounds coming from his side but me and wife hear it anytime we stand at the edge of our front steps or further. We didn't hear anything when he had company. In the last day or so, we had liquids behind the exhausts of my car and where are garbage cans are put. Because it didn't evaporate in this heat, it cannot be water, so had to wash cans to be sure. Normally I would allow ease from my property due to a clear pathway but because he denies hearing the sound and finding these liquids in the last two days even after confronting him, I am not allowing them. If you could surveil with video and audio to know if those sounds stop when workers are there and then resume after they leave. He may be doing this because the trees are blocking the bladder cast of toxins and that letter could be just a mockery as if there is nothing we can do about it because I already told him due to all the sabotages I cannot allow it, so why would he be notifying me? Please test for audio too.