You post this a hundred times a day, anything new?
You post this a hundred times a day, anything new?
>Not many of us left.
>Imagine spending the resources they do on us few.
I will never quit until these criminals stop killing innocent people around the world. What Russia exposed today is a big fn deal because I always asserted it was cyanide and they discovered an even more potent form being used that causes asphyxiation: hydrogen cyanide. That cause loss of oxygen and is exactly "Acute Covid Symptoms" and why some needed to be respirated. But that wouldn't help because cyanide melts living tissue.
I was correct about radiation weapons being deployed on US citizens and that was verified in a notable from last month's Military SCIF and now Russia confirms the other half. This is the DS, Mafia, Cabal number tactic that has been killing more people world wide than any other thing you can think of. This is a nuclear bomb as Il Donald Trumpo mentioned.
For God and Country
Wow, that hurts but point well made.