Lockheed Martin receives Laser Retroflector Arrays for GPS III SV9, SV10
July 9, 2024
In partnership with NASA and the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, the U.S. Space Force GPS III Program Office has delivered two laser retroflector arrays to Lockheed Martin.
On May 6, the LRAs were delivered under a directed program to rapidly integrate hosted payloads on GPS satellites ahead of launch call up.
The LRAs will be installed onto two GPS III satellites, SV9 and SV10, in preparation for a 2025 launch.
The addition of the LRA hosted payload onto GPS satellites marks an expansion of NASA’s Space Geodesy Program space instrument network.
The GPS III LRAs will allow NASA to make precise range measurements to the sub-centimeter level using the Satellite Laser Ranging technique, enabling accurate determination of the Earth’s center.
The NASA Space Geodesy Program and NGA will use collected SLR data from the GPS III LRAs to maintain a globally available, high quality terrestrial reference frame.
“This is a great example of partnership between the Space Force, NGA and NASA.
We were able to add new capabilities to the GPS constellation years ahead of schedule while ensuring the billions of people who rely on our signals daily would be unaffected,” said U.S. Space Force Col. Andrew Menschner, Position, Navigation and Timing Delta (Provisional) commander at Space Operations Command.
“We expect LRAs to be standard on future GPS vehicles and are pleased that SV9 and SV10 will have the capability prior to launch.”
The LRA instrument is an array of passive “Corner Cubes” that reflects laser light back to a transmitting SLR ground station.
By measuring the round-trip time of the laser pulse, the ground stations are able to accurately measure the orbit of the GPS satellite.
SLR can achieve millimeter-level precise orbits, which enables the scientific community to also conduct fundamental physics experiments in general relativity, as well as Earth monitoring missions, to include sea level changes, and mass redistribution in the Earth-ocean-atmosphere system.
“GPS III putting two new reflectors on orbit next year shows how quickly we are able to upgrade capabilities,” Menschner said.
“This success is an incredible tribute to the outstanding talent, mission focus and partnering across the entire team.
NASA partnered with the Naval Research Laboratory’s Naval Center for Space Technology to build the retroreflectors, while Lockheed Martin will integrate the flight hardware onto GPS III vehicles, which will be operated by the U.S. Space Force’s PNT Delta (P).
When the LRAs are on orbit, the GPS satellite will realize an added benefit of enhanced orbit determination with the measurement accuracy required to support GPS-enabled technologies throughout the 21st Century.
Trump Allegedly Fearful to Discuss UFO Info, Other Presidents Sketchy
7/9/2024 12:30 AM PT
There's something going on with U.S. Presidents and UFOs … they've been briefed on the subject, but won't say anything publicly … and Donald Trump seems scared of disclosure.
TMZ Studios has a new series, "Strange & Suspicious," now airing on a dozen FOX stations, where we explore strange, unexplained and downright weird stories, and former presidents' silence on extraterrestrials speaks volumes.
Trump sounds like he knows something YUGE when it comes to UFOs … but he always waffles on the issue, at least on camera … and there may be a reason behind his reluctance to spill the beans.
It's pretty alarming … Australian investigative journalist Ross Coulthart says he's been told Trump is scared he will be assassinated if he shares the truth behind the UFO phenomenon.
Despite tons of whistleblowers and mountains of supposed video evidence of unidentified craft, no former or sitting president has ever said what they know about aliens.
You would think they would say there's no threat or no such thing as UFOs if that was the case, right?!?
Trump, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama have all been asked the UFO secret files question on TV … but Americans have never gotten a straight answer, which frankly raises a lot of questions.
So, what do they know and what are they hiding???
We explore all these UFO questions and more on "Strange & Suspicious" … plus true crime and bizarre phenomena … click here to see when and where the show airs.
This Missing Michigan Man’s Story May Prove Aliens or Time Portals May Exist
July 10, 2024
There is a lot of mystery in the state of Michigan, and our urban legends are known throughout the country.
But there are some things that have happened in our state that is beyond imagination and is impossible to explain.
Many of these stories have been featured on recent shows, like the UFOs over Lake Michigan episode of Unsolved Mysteries on Netflix.
It describes a series of events that took place in the early 90s in West Michigan involving UFOs and erratic behavior over the Great Lakes.
Most recently a story was brought up on the newest episode of Ancient Aliens on the History Channel.
The episode was about Stargates and if they could actually exist.
This prompted the team to discuss the disappearance of Steven Kubacki.
For the better part from 1972 to 1978, Steven attended Hope College in Holland, Michigan.
When one day he wandered out to Lake Michigan over the frozen waters and his tracks mysteriously disappeared.
But the story gets much stranger as his website details.
"On a frigid winter day in 1978, Steven Kubacki went cross-country skiing on the frozen ice of Lake Michigan, and he never came back.
Two snowmobilers discovered his skis, poles, and backpack, and after an exhaustive search, search-and-rescue teams determined the 23-year-old college senior must have fallen into one of the deep crevasses in the ice and drowned.
His family and friends mourned his death. Fifteen months later, a motorist in Massachusetts picked up a hitchhiker who asked to be taken to the nearest pay phone.
It was Steven Kubacki."
What do you think happened to him? Do you think he was abducted or went through some kind of time portal? The truth is still out there.