Not today.
That's enough out of you.
You can IP hop now, retard doubtfag.
KEK. Magnus is looking a little rough, but that bird doesn't stand a chance.
Feeling drained. Almost like there was a spiritual layer to that fight that took place across two breads.
Pretty sure it's just another imitation act. That's all they do these days when they're not posting MuhJoo, because what better thing to do than post to QR when having heart palpitations.
There Angry Inch goes again, trying to create elaborate fictions of Kubrick-esque hidden symbology in patriotic cat memes that are actually Chinese subliminal subversion that only he can see. He spent considerable effort this afternoon trying to make it look like pointing out a shill and green-texting their ID was a bad thing that should be avoided, and failed. He's a deep state piece of shit, most likely a satanist, that has to use an AI to reason for him, because he's not smart enough on his own, against people that don't need AI's to reason for them.
He comes.
>you can always tell the ones q broke.
You can always spot the NPC doubtfag that runs through a monotonous script.
Interested to see what Jim has planned. Either this place sees the end of the movie or the servers get reassigned to another purpose before the end of the movie. Just have to wait and see. An early end, to be honest, wouldn't bother me in the slightest because this is the last place I'm going to post. If the board ends early then I'll get what I want with never having to post online again for the rest of my life, with no one ever having to hear from me again. Either decision Jim makes has my support 100%.