but the entire conversation before that should be listed in >>21179134 MEMEIFY
oki, here ya go:
hope i didnt miss any
lots of love
blue metal is cobalt no?
dios mio
i wanna see a sticker with drop n° 193 on a bus stop in Seoul!!!
stickers are generally easy to remove
just stickers, no tags, no scratching, no glueing!
just stickers, fuck it, use chalk if you like wherever you want or even water paint
>>21179454 me
i will notable this, although it's me
think it's important to make it clear
same as Trump's "now everyone go home peacefully" sth like that
the thing with this blackbox is …
there is no "QAnon", which you already knew
this sticker is weak af
makes no sense at all and
there was also this graffiti somewhere in Barcelona (picrel) which is really a problem because you can't remove it and that make things "lefty" af
nobody wants this!!
actually not a good Q style in my personal opinion
therefore, DO IT, but do it good!
>>21179518 me
>makes no sense at all
for normies!
they are not able to understand this
MEMES, turn your best memes into stickers and some of the clearest most transparent Q drops too
anyways, i'd rather prefer sth like this - picrel - which can easily be washed away (or painted over in the worst case - which i don't like but i guess somebody was really angry during the plandemia - found this in La Palma in 2020)
you pay for breathing
Bill Gates + the vax
New "Normal"
Lies/Dead people without bodies
The poor + the poor/ Irresponsibiliy of the Health System
You will pay to breathe
no, i took the pic in Santa Cruz de La Palma on a wall across a little church, where lots of people pass by