There is no price for what these assholes did to my father.
At the end of ww2 the eurofags were amazed that the USA didn't keep going and genocide the good Russians.
They would have.
My father missed the opportunity.
Thats all you get to know about where you are.
No they don't.
Heres some redial ed for you edumacated retards.
Now this: I've had jap billionaires in dollars milking US welfare, beg me for a WW2 rematch.
Drip. Drip. Drip.
Like AOC set traps for people like me to save your JAP asses out of pity.
I mean, these Russian girls are rude high maintenance. I'd rather die than fuck a condescending Moscow JAP. You want to go Empire of the Summer Moon? You lost the last round.
I have no mercy. My father should have slaughtered you to the last retard.
Pity is a street scam.