Sarkozy’s ex-supermodel wife charged in Libya corruption case
Carla Bruni-Sarkozy is accused of helping the former French president silence a witness
Sarkozy’s ex-supermodel wife charged in Libya corruption case
Carla Bruni-Sarkozy is accused of helping the former French president silence a witness
Second NATO member publicly opposes Ukrainian membership
Slovakia has followed Hungary in objecting to Kiev’s proposed accession to the bloc
Fico, who is recovering from an assassination attempt, released a short video message on Thursday, in response to the draft of the NATO annual summit’s final communique reportedly including references to Ukraine’s “irreversible path” towards joining the US-led bloc.
“I understand Ukraine’s wishes,” Fico said in the video. “But its membership in NATO guarantees World War Three.”
“Although to be fair, we are not too far from it even without Ukraine’s membership, seeing as how some advanced democracies are stoking the pot,” he added.
Slovakia’s representatives in Washington have been instructed to insist on two conditions for Ukrainian membership, Fico said. Kiev must meet every condition set by the bloc, and every member state has to give its blessing.
“However, as I’ve said many times, Smer and its lawmakers in the National Assembly of Slovakia will not agree to Ukraine’s membership in NATO,” he said, in reference to his ruling party.
More muh Russia narrative
Army private, husband ‘spied for Russia’
The AFP and ASIO have revealed bombshell details about an ongoing investigation into alleged spies operating in Australia.
Australia’s spy agency ASIO and the AFP have announced two Australians with Russian passports have been charged with espionage related offences that involve allegations of stealing defence secrets to share with Russia.
Speaking at a press conference in Canberra, AFP commissioner Reece Kershaw said the case involved two people who had been in Australia for more than 10 years.
The woman had obtained Australian citizenship in 2016 and her husband obtained Australian citizenship in 2020.
She has been employed in the Australian army, in the Australian Defence Force for several years as an information systems technician.
“Police will the woman’s husband would access requested material and would send to his wife in Russia,’’ the AFP commissioner said
“We allege they sought that information with the intention of providing it to Russian authorities. Whether that information was handed over remains a key focus of our investigation.
“There are a couple of critical points that I want to make today. This alleged criminality has been disrupted. Currently, no significant compromise has been identified.
“Our Five Eyes partners and the Australian Government can be confident that the robust partnerships within the counter foreign interference task force mean we will continue to identify and disrupt espionage and foreign interference activity. I want to thank the very clever members of the AFP, ASIO and those individuals in the task force for their ingenuity and determination.”
ASIO Director-General of ASIO Mike Burgess said the developments were a warning to foreign spies targeting Australia.
“ASIO is Australia’s spy catcher. It is a responsibility we take extremely seriously,’’ Mr Burgess said.
“If you are spying in this country, we are looking for you. If you are being spied on in this country, we are looking out for you. I acknowledge the work of the Australian Federal Police and the Counter-foreign interference task force and the ASIO teams that undertook a lengthy, patient and complex investigation.
“I want to commend defence for its security awareness that led to ASIO and the task force to intervene early and control this operation. This case reflects and demonstrates an effective security culture.I will make no further comment on this particular case because I appreciate the charges have not been tested in a court and we must respect the presumption of innocence.
“I will make four general points about the threats facing Australia and ASIO’s work to counter them. First, the espionage threat is real. Multiple countries are seeking to steal Australia’s secrets. We cannot be naive and we cannot be complacent.
VOTERGA UPDATE: Over ONE MILLION Ballot Election Records Missing in Georgia’s 2020 Presidential Election
Three Experts Shred Fulton County 2020 Election Results,
Shatter Secretary’s Claims of Georgia Election Accuracy
ATLANTA, GA, JULY 10, 2024 – The Georgia State Election Board (SEB) heard devastating testimony from three separate experts yesterday each of whom destroyed the Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger’s official narrative that no fraud, errors or irregularities exist in Fulton County’s 2020 General Election results.
The experts upheld claims from SEB2023-025 complainants Kevin Moncla and Joe Rossi who contended that Fulton County certified up to 58,924 votes that have no source justification. These include:
17,852 ballots with certified votes that had no ballot images which are required for vote tabulation;
20,713 ballots with certified votes have no source tabulator from which they should have originated;
3,125 double scanned and double counted ballots
17,234 unsourced ballots were batch uploaded and backfilled into election results by the Center for Technology and Civic Life (CTCL) funded Elections Group to reconcile inexplicable errors