Your Buns taste like winning
Can someone please explain how in their retarded head they could think Joe Biden the dementia patient pedo career liar criminal is somehow a white hat? If anything he's being blackmailed to play the game or tow the line. Anything else is absolute faggotry.
Then fucking explain it if it's so easy to understand. A solid theory should speak for itself.
We're waiting.
Hey GE buddy did you catch Jim's GM? Can you do the board a favor and for just one night can you refrain from seething? That would be awesome
Define "narcissist"
Define "choleric"
It had to be this way
Tough love
He can't. That's the entire point of all my efforts to help him over 2 years. It was always for his own good but he refuses to believe it. He is truly the most ignorant non-Anon that doesn't understand chan etiquette and thinks he holds a monopoly on specific memes for a board personality. That's specifically why I post them.
No one owns a monopoly on memes. You can only be imitated if you use a board personality. Which is why you shouldn't famefag. You're going to get punished eternally for doing so, I'll never rest. Which means I'll be rent free for eternity. choice is yours.
Why are you IP hopping? Using your regular memes, your regular phrases like zip it, and linking ID hashes in green text.
Only one Retard does that. You've exposed yourself doing that in the past as well. Sloppy.
Be moar obvious.