Ask him what girls he subs to on Onlyfans.
fucking kek
This tranny is beginning to appear demonic with those red tones.
Did you try calling him the N word.
All I can say is you came to the wrong place for advice. I can count the number of women i've been able to relate to on the topic of Q on two fingers.
6, zip, ziltch, nada, goose egg, ZERO,NONE, NOT A SINGLE ONE
>I took control.
>Absolve me of my sins, Trump.
Dangโฆ I remember when I was supposed to like these guys. Those were the days.
I love how the host is a nation builder.
My money, figuratively speaking of course, is on another generic unknown like Pence.
Doesn't make sense to take a character you already built to be useful to add them back into your machine.
Trump has said it'll be someone that can do the job if need be, so his pick should come from somewhere like a successful average 'Joe'' type "like himself" that made it in business with common sense.
I say "should" like I know what I'm talking about which I don't.
meant to italics joe because it's an unintended pun with Biden.
Kind of helps people with future reveals about people they thought were legit but were frauds in terms of PR.