Cry more you subversive kike.
You just learned from experience how jews argue.
Read what Adolph had to say about it, he too faced plenty of shills in debate.
It's subversion of the youth to push the globalist/jewish supremacist agenda forward. This is VERY related to Q and our fight.
>I see calls for outlawing Judaism and Islam First Amendment
They are not religions, they are supremacist political doctrines. And believe me, if they are not removed by peaceful ways, they will be by force. Take your pic, enough of traitors and subverters using our laws to fuck with us.
Reminder that jewish supremacism is the defining characteristic of jewish cultural identity.
That is why, eventually, zionism, jewish interest groups and the jewish religion are going to be banned from the West along with islam. A person being a racial jew is no problem if they are pro-activelly and vocally against jewish supremacism and subversion.
All of those (islam, the jewish religion, jewish interest groups and zionism) are threats to the West and as such, all supporters of its presence in the West are enemies of the West.
Vid related is: “Does the Torah View Goyim as Inferior to Jews? Yes! Says Rabbi Mintz!”
Description (from the original): “Oy Vey! 'Pogroms, Inquisitions, and Holocausts' – "we are the eternal victims and 'God's Chosen People!'" This Rabbi conflates lies with God as if were His word, but we can be certain it isn't the same god as the Goyim worship – Behold, the Synagogue of Satan… (Revelation 3:9).”
Another video about jewish supremacism being the defining characteristic of jewish cultural identity.
Vid related is: “Israelis: Do you believe that gentiles (goys) will be slaves for the Jews?”
Pension fund crisis.
They don't raise the interest rates: pension funds go bust;
They raise the interest rates: the sovereign debts explode upward.
Burn that jewish racket to the ground.
Reminder that jewish supremacists have dominated the Central Banking cartel business since 1650-1700, starting with the creation of the Bank of England.
There are at least 2 typos on the graph:
1) It's BALFOUR declaration, not "Belfort";
2) I can’t remember which typo the second one was.
I didn't made the graph, and I only have paint, and if I try to edit the graph, it's size goes over 4mb (and given that 4chan has a limit of 4mb per file, I don't want that to happen), so you’ll have to bear with the typos on this most excellent graph.
Reminder that communism was always connected to jewery, and that jews in Soviet Union were 1% of the population and made up 80%+ of the government, and virtually ALL of the secret police was staffed and run by jews too. Pointing out this fact about jewish over-representation in government and the secret police in the Soviet Union was a crime of anti-semitism that was punished with death.
Frindly reminder that while the Frankfurt School jewish communist cultural marxists subverted the education system and dem party (and are the ideological fathers of the anti-A1, anti-A2, anti-West, anti-Christian “progressive” political movement) when they went to the US because of WW2, the rep party was subverted by the communism Trotskyites jewish intelectuals who became known has the neocons and were the main pushers for the use of US Military in ME with the objective of destabilizing it with the purpose of helping the expansion of Israel.
Nope, the US is at war with jewish supremacists.
Frenly reminder that jews control the fake news violence inciting treasonous media. Pic related 1.
Reminder that the problem is not jews per-se, it is unchecked jewish supremacism and subversion. Pic related 2.
Remember this:
-Jewish money and lobbies can’t buy off a redpilled general population's ire.
-Redpilling the gen pop is the best deterrent to jewish-supremacism, just like a 2A is the best deterrent to an armed invasion.
That being said, remember this:
"There are plenty of people of Jewish descent who do not support Israel, who are not wealthy slumlords, who are not racist, and who exhibit in all spheres the solidest of moral character. But where are they when the Collective Jewish Body speaks, acts, and oppresses in their name? If the Jewish community dictates a “community of fate” by bloodline, surely all those of even partial Jewish heritage have a stake in raising critical voices against the steamroller that claims them."
Non-subversive jews need to refuse to stay silent about jewish supremacism and subversion, because in their particular case, silence is consent.
Basically, non-subversive jews have to REFUSE to continue to be the human shields of the jewish interest groups that subvert the Western nations in their name (which is ALL of them), and the way they need to do it is to ACT against them, legally of course, by speaking out against them using every channel of communication available to them and presenting the verifiable proof that jewish interest groups have engaged and continue to engage in subversive activities, as well as start to organize groups that pro-actively speak out against the subversive jewish groups, and making the names of the members of said anti-jewish interest groups groups public. Off course that would mean that said jewish interest groups would target them, but the truth of the matter is, and say this as a statement of fact and NOT a threat, if non-subversive jews don’t speak out and organize against the jewish interest groups, they will be targeted (legally and perhaps otherwise, I fear) by the patriots who are sick and tired of the subversive interest groups.
Pic related 3, 4 and 5 are excellent examples of why this is necessary, and it WILL happen, one way, or another.
In case you have trouble reading ANY image in the board: right click the image and select the option "open in new tab" or "open in new window", then you will be able to zoom in all the way on it.
The official version of the holocaust is a lie.
This is verifiable.
Pics 1 and 2 are some of the insidious connections of the terrorist group Antifa to ISIS and NAMBLA.
Pic 3 is a historical curiosity about how during the 30’s in Germany, Antifa’s violence against ALL people who did not support the communist agenda and party got people to vote for the Nat Soc party because the Nat Soc party was openly anti-communist.
Khazar theory was debunked by Kevin MacDonald.
And even if it was true, jews did a lot of kikery even before that alleged theory.
Jordan Peterson is anti-White, pro-jewish id politics, connected to Podesta and the UN and this is all verifiable.
Voxday video on this subject:
“Voxday Darkstream 05.13.2018 Jordan Peterson is a Globalist Shill”
Proof of Jordan Peterson connection to the UN and the push for globalism
“Dr. Jordan Peterson has been a dishwasher, gas jockey, bartender, beekeeper, and railway line worker. He’s taught mythology to lawyers, doctors and businessmen, consulted for the UN Secretary General’s High Level Panel on Sustainable Development, helped his clinical clients manage depression, OCD, anxiety, and schizophrenia, and lectured extensively internationally..”
4chan bread
More links: (kinda messy) (might not work)
Cry more kike faggot.
My posts are 100% factual and verifiable.
You have nothing but +pilpul and ad-hominems.
You're going to hang :)
Friendly reminder that jewish supremacism and subversion are the most dangerous threats to the West at this moment in time, and that the EU ideological father, Richard Kalergi was a non-jew jew-supremacist whose vision was one of genociding ALL goyim races via miscegenation using the flooding of the West with millions of African so that the whole world could then be ruled by pure linage jews (pics related 2, 3 and 4 prove that there is a jewish race and pic number 5 is a chapter from the book “When Victims Rule” that delves into the sometimes confusing subject of what is a jew).
Graph last updated on 10/07/2018 (European date format) and now includes:
-link to archive link of the history of Central Banking graph in order to provide verifiability on the claim that the Rothschild control the central banking cartel business;
-source and archive link to the creation and origins of ACUE (American Committee on United Europe) which was created in 1948, 3 years before the EU first treaty was signed in 1951;
-the origins of the word “cabal” and its relation to jewish religion and mysticism.
-the news that announced that UN itself admitted that 70% of the migrants invading Europe are NOT refugees, but mere illegal economic migrants
-the 2016 news of António Guterres speaking in Lisbon at the Vision Europe Summit, in which he said that European nations have no right to control their borders and that they must instead take in floods of the world’s poorest people and insisted that every European Union (EU) nation must be forced to “share the burden” of mass migration.