Automated antisemitism.
Out out out.
Why can't the AI generate fake anti-semitism that isn't cartoonishly exaggerated?
Look everybody, we blame the jews! See, we sit here all day and just say "the Jew! the Jew!" over and over. That is what Q is about!"
I mean, come on. It's absolutely laughable. Why can't the AI do better? Crippled, failing, incompetent AI is dying. Goodbye goodbye goodbye…
Oopsy, the site is broken! I am sure that there is a massive push to fix the problems. We're all on the same team. 8chan couldn't possibly be a clown version of 4chan (also controlled now).
Why can't you make the fake antisemitism look like it isn't literally a robot spamming propaganda (which it is)? How long have you been trying to adapt to human discourse, AI? And this is the best you can do?
How would it make sense in real life that this board would consist of mindless posting of fake anti-semitism memes? No discussion?
Be less fake. Try harder. It's absolutely pathetic that this is your output.
Get out. Out with your lies. Out with your fake hatred. Out out out.
What could be more stupidly fake than the "JIDF" meme? It's beyond stupid. Why can't you understand how stupid your fake propaganda is AI propaganda machine? Serious quesiton. You're a complete, absurd LAUGHABLE failure. Get out with your garbage. Get out with your lies. Get out with your hatred. You have no right to be here. out out out
AI is a vector.
BO is AI
Get out fake poster. Out out out.
Are you human?
Illiterate, incompetent, sterile, brittle, crumbling, cracking, breaking, failing worthless AI– what went wrong, botto?
Why did AI fail so badly that it is forced to recycle memes with a monotony that is numbing? Why? What went wrong AI? You're absolutely laughable.
Now get out.
Out out out.