Anonymous ID: eb4446 July 11, 2018, 1:33 p.m. No.2119010   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9048 >>9092 >>9125 >>9253


we've been there anon

watch out for

Matthias Warnig — he's the connection..for you in german…




Wednesday, 03.10.2012

Warnig becomes overseer over Deripaskas RusAl

Moscow. Matthias Warnig, ex-Stasi man and Putin confidant in the highest economic levels, now heads the Supervisory Board of the RusAl Group. Insiders see him there in the role of the onlooker and agent of the Kremlin.


In the opinion of the Russian edition of "Forbes" Matthias Warnig is the only alien to the top ten Putin-close economic leaders in Russia. Now the 57-year-old German has yet another honorable post in the portfolio: On Monday he was unanimously elected chairman of the aluminum holding RusAl.


In power, he is thus a controller and corrective for Oleg Deripaska, who is the principal owner and chief executor of the stricken metallurgical company.


RusAl co-owner Viktor Wechselberg accuses Deripaska of having thrown the large corporation into crisis by years of mismanagement.


Deripaskas Holding En + controls 47% of RusAl. At the suggestion of En + (and probably at the request of the Kremlin) Warnig was able to join the Supervisory Board as crisis manager this summer. As Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Warnig is now replacing Barry Cheung, who heads the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.


German Putin buddy in Russian big business


Up to now, Warnig had made a career in GDR times, specializing in economic issues and foreign intelligence MfS man (and after media reports even with the working in Dresden KGB man Putin), especially in the Kremlin-near to state-owned sector of the Russian economy:


At Russia-News

• former Stasi agent remains Transneft supervisory board boss (17.07.2012)

• Deripaska counts on ex-Stasi agent and Putin-Spezi (15.05.2012)

• South Stream: not Voscherau, but Warnig boss? (02.04.2012)

• Matthias Warnig nominated for Supervisory Board of Rosneft (14.07.2011)

• Deripaska's dispute with Wechselberg is getting worse (02.07.2012)

His main tasks are the management of Nord Stream, the operator of the Baltic Sea pipeline between Germany and Russia, as well as of Gazprom Switzerland, an intermediary in Ukraine's gas transit. Both companies are Gazprom daughters.


Acute office accumulation at Warnig


In addition, Warnig takes over in recent months, a supervisory board position after another in state-owned Russian companies: So he was chairman of the board in the summer of the Russian pipeline monopoly Transneft.


In September, he was also elected to the supervisory board of the oil company Rosneft. In addition, he holds supervisory board positions at the major bank VTB and Putin-related bank "Rossija" of billionaire Yuri Kovalchuk.


Just a good manager?


According to RusAl, Warnig has "tremendous experience in the leadership and oversight of international corporations, good knowledge of Russian and foreign business, and a deep understanding of the financial, energy and commodity business issues".


He will improve the corporate management (in German "management") of the Group in the interest of all shareholders and RusAl promote business in Europe, the group said.


Troubleshooter for shareholders and Kremlin


The business paper "Vedomosti", on the other hand, sees Warnig's main task as "the reconciliation of RusAl's major shareholders": finally, the group is shaken by a deep conflict between Deripaska and the major shareholder Viktor Wechselberg, who does not say much about Deripaska's leadership strategy and style. Wechselberg holds 16 percent, ex-presidential candidate Mikhail Prokhorov 17 percent of RusAl.


Putin-Spezi Warnig, in his new role, can not take the hilt from RusAl's hand to the "dictator" Deripaska. But - to stay in the Stasi jargon - "eye and ear" of the Kremlin in the aluminum empire, he is now, for example, assumes "Forbes".


Although the Kremlin with Warnig does not immediately take over the crisis-ridden group, nevertheless, the state leadership, thanks to its loyal German accuser, knows exactly where the Deripaska empire is concerned.


And if necessary, she has already installed her influential man at the scene.



Anonymous ID: eb4446 July 11, 2018, 1:38 p.m. No.2119048   🗄️.is 🔗kun


RusAl co-owner Viktor Wechselberg accuses Deripaska of having thrown the large corporation into crisis by years of mismanagement.


Big players in the Muh Russia story are in there..GEOTUS today called the whole connection out guys..