be untriggerable
but even if you are you have to avoid those who do the Chicken-little bit . . .
be untriggerable
but even if you are you have to avoid those who do the Chicken-little bit . . .
'they are . . .'
the war is the result of HAMAS and what they did.
HAMAS are needing to be put up for war crime charges.
considering how long he's been dead, it's seems far fetched, anon.
ah, RFK jr.
I kind of doubt that Donald will call him in to be vice president.
He might have him head a commission investigating medical fraud, waste and abuse!
(He seems to know a lot about it).
the 'stakeholders' use the stake to strike at the heart.
(money is the heart and soul of the democrats motives?)
Donald says he was friends with Teddy.
Donald obviously had some kind of contact with JFK jr.
Donald is a pragmatist.
If there is something that RFK jr can do in service to our nation, and Donald thinks that RFK jr is up for it, then don't be surprised if RFK jr is part of the Trump administration.
we are in a situation where capable people are needed, and just becuase Bobby had issue with addiction isn't reason to just toss him aside.
Kennedys have a reputation for getting things done. Teddy was an excellent senator even if you didn't like his politics.
you're a sick minded pervert . . .
it all makes sense when you realize the term they use 'our democracy' is 'stakeholder oligarchy'
and now they use those stakes like they are killing vampires.
two retired generals who speak like war criminals.
It didn't end well for Carthage, did it?
that's the way that stakeholder-oligarchy works, anon.
the stakeholders antied-in and were paying for their share of control in the 'our-democracy' government of the democrats.
they aren't necessarily employees.
they could also be non-profits that use courts to extort money from projects for 'environmental' causes, or other groups with their hands out.
but the point it: there is no actual popular vote to select candidates.
so that is what I call the democrats form of government, which they call 'our democracy' , 'stakeholder-oligarchy'.
that name describes how the democrats rule.
ya, cause no one has a wooden door on their house to keep in the warm air in the Winter and the cool air in the Summer. Wood is just like nothing at all.
why would a 'gas chamber' need an air locked and sealed door like on a pressure chamber?
poison gas will be contained just as well by a wooden door locked from the outside.
you do realize that people die in house fires? if doors didn't let that happen then no one would ever die from asphixiation.
your psyop is sick and also shows you don't know what you are talking about.
A wooden door would be just as diabolical as a sealed pressure chamber door.
I frown on your pretending it's sarcasm when you get called out for basically being a shill by the post to which I responded.
you tell us.
why would I know?
obviously you're giving a leading question that you already know the answer to, pretending to be the 'authority'
just tell us what it is an why it's relative and stop pretending to be a gate keeper expert.