anime faggot filtered
will unfilter when anime portrait appears on any nation's official currency (not cartoon nation, real one) kek
anime faggot filtered
will unfilter when anime portrait appears on any nation's official currency (not cartoon nation, real one) kek
>>21185997 past bread
>Call sign UKL5011. Ukrainian ANTONOV An-12 UR-CNT. Inbound after overnight stop Iceland. Note lack of DB flag for military OR civilian designation.
Has been on the ground at Montreal International for three hours now.
Her hotness factor drops by around 75% just being in the same shot as him.
Now he's in a Rock 'N Roll outfit and everything's alright.
Can sure see why all the stories about her death did not show a more recent photo. Yikes!
Right when the news was breaking that Trump might face actual jail time a while back, Cat Turd II posted this meme. Sadly most anons are blind to what has been going on with Pig memes. He'll post quite a few that seem pretty patriotic. Then you'll see one like this. Build trust then knife in the back. Death by a thousand cuts.