The Big Tech companies are the largest and most dominant companies in the information technology industry of the United States, namely Amazon, Apple, Google, Facebook, and Microsoft. Alternatively, there are other labels, such as FAANG, which refers to the five prominent American tech companies: Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, and Google, or Alphabet, Inc., Google’s parent company. The point is that these companies dominate information technology in most of the world and shape the direction of the various markets they operate in.
Where did these companies come from? We are told that Big Tech companies were started by brilliant men, mostly in California, in the area now commonly known as Silicon Valley. Through their hard work and determination, these companies were able to rise from garages and college dorms to become the giants we know them as today.
But, this version of events is cartoonish at best and an outright deception at worst.
Nearly every Big Tech tool you use today was funded, in part, by the US intelligence community and supported in various ways by the US government itself.
The rise of the Big Tech companies is not a fairy tale of free market success, but rather a dark and disturbing story of corporate welfare and deep ties to the intelligence community. In fact, most of the digital tools you use – including cell phones, GPS, and the internet itself started out as tools for the military. These tools were designed by the US Department of Defence, under the direction of the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency or DARPA.