Trump has my Bless B
After SCOTUS Ruled absolute immunity for Presidents
They Spent a Week Saying "Assassinate Trump"
They Knew some Lunatic would do what they didn't have the Courage to do themselves
God Damn MSM, Democrats & Those Talking Heads
They Incited This!
Their Rhetoric Did This!
"Loud Bangs" cnn Says
They Spent a Fucking Week saying
"Send Seal Team 6 to Assassinate Trump"
Their Rhetoric Incited this
They Spent a Whole Week Inciting an Assassination Attempt on POTUS
CNN, MSDNC, Democrats & "Influencers" are GUILTY of Incitement of Violence Against a President
Can't Spend a WHOLE WEEK Inciting Violence against a President
Without Being Held Accountable
This wasn't Just an Attack On President Trump
This was an Attack on The American People
After Being Attacked
Trump will Probably see his Fundraising Go through the Roof
He might be the First Contender to raise a Billion Dollars
Minimizing cause they are realizing that They Incited It to Happen
You Take a Shot at the King
You Better not Miss
They Missedโฆ
Prepare to Receive
We Will have the Trump Shooter Manifesto within Hours I bet
Meanwhile Still waiting on the Trannyfesto