Fuck You CNN
So wait do we have 2 shooters one dead inside the venue, and another back further behind on a rooftop? Patsy on the inside and his executioner jic SS missed him? Or jic shooter missed Trump…? hmm
>>21193620 agreed at least pre dec SS, but these are Trumps guys hopefully not DEI hires.. but begs the question, they are saying the shooter was arrested, people saying he's dead, some saying shooter inside the park, shooter on a roof top
Yeah that's what I was thinking, ty anon
no mention of a weapon, so I'm wondering if he's talking about a person that was shot as per other anons saying a bystander was shot?
So as per the shooter on the roof, there is no way in hell he's up there that long without being mobbed bad LE, now! they would be all over it to secure the target. Dead in a scope isn't good enough. my take
So as per the shooter on the roof, there is no way in hell he's up there that long without being mobbed by LE, nfw! they would be all over it to secure the target. Dead in a scope isn't good enough. my take