Dreaming On Edition
nice wall look below
looks like a patsy
>If you come after the king, you better not miss.
Nateland with On the Spots and active shooter gags right from Go
Loving the Patry Comms
Dinos Vs Monkeys
spotted in the Gulf of Mex
youll grow a callous of sorts
Clown Bus at the Square Comms
Mad Jack
Arrow Comms
Lieutenant Colonel John “Mad Jack” Churchill had a motto: “Any officer who goes into action without his sword is improperly dressed.”
He was referring, of course, to the basket-hilted Scottish broadsword he armed himself with during battle — and no, Mad Jack Churchill was not a Viking warrior or a medieval knight.
He was an officer in the British Army during World War II who famously wielded archaic weaponry, a longbow, and a sword, at the same time the world was first introduced to the horrendous power of atomic weaponry. Fighting Jack Churchill also carried a bagpipe with him, a talent for which he had previously shown off in a number of films.
And despite his eccentricities, Jack Churchill proved himself to be a more than capable fighter, escaping capture twice, earning recognition for killing enemy soldiers with a bow, and capturing 42 German soldiers alongside a Corporal — while Churchill was armed with just his sword.