Why is his face a DIFFERENT COLOR than his neck?
and look at the clean wipe line of the blood on his neck.
Why is his face a DIFFERENT COLOR than his neck?
and look at the clean wipe line of the blood on his neck.
Not the real Trump.
Chin bone Bubble, and longer chin. 30 thinner and 15 years younger skin.
Don Trump Jr. posted a photo of their Fake Trump back in April, standing with a real Trump grandkid to verify that Don Jr. is showing you a Fake Trump.
COMMS if you have eyes to see.
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Elon Musk is Deep State.
Fake Trump: 30 lbs thinner and 15 years younger skin than the real President Trump.
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What part of Don Trump Jr. posting a photo of a Fake Trump on Easter Sunday don't you understand, Asshole?