trips checked and "Mean Tweets" to boot. Also guy to her left is a total fed if you watch his bad acting, Newsmax played it 117 times today
Bro it was Fed central behind Trump, watch the footage. Central Casting
Only anons though. Everyone else seems to think it's totally normal for a POTUS to stop for several photo ops while being rushed by Secret Service to an ambulance
So was JFK apparently. Note that both players did the old, hand to the face to burst the blood squib trick. At this point Anon is not sure if anon as EVER witnessed a real and heterosexual major event.
Patriots in control. Jesus got the ball rolling. Biblical
Kek, of course they will use this to try and ban assault rifles - by thoroughly pissing MAGA off. These people are stupid
What if they all faked their deaths. CC, KS, AB etc.
I mean look at the Pedos close to them being exposed now
White hats have more control than we think