Anonymous ID: f6e76e July 14, 2024, 10:33 a.m. No.21202799   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2993

In 2024 they have no choice but to try and assassinate Donald Trump to steal the Presidency because no one believes their fake pandemics and fake media anymore


In 2020 they had to go through all this to steal the election: (Assassination is much easier)

-Start with a virus

-Import it into America

-Talk about it nonstop

-Call some governors. Not them. Not them. That's your guys

-Put patients into nursing homes, kill thousands

-Blame the president. Keep blaming, blame some more

-Lock down some small business

-Kill the economy

-Push mail in voting

-Stoke a race war, call for riots

-Pick a cabinet. No, not her. Yeah, that's more like it

-Lock him in his basement

-Shield him from the press

-Don't cover this. Don't cover this. Don't cover this. Keep doing that

-Ignore the economic recovery

-Downplay the world peace

-Pump the Polls, pump, pump. Don't stop pumping

-Install your software and swing states. That was fast

-Take control of polling stations

-Call off the election when you're losing

-Take everyone out

-Pull out all the extra ballots

-Get the software to do its thing.

-Get the media to say it's over

-Call the big tech guys

-Ban anyone who notices

-Act like the whole thing never happened

Stealing the most powerful republic in the world.

It’s that easy.”