anons its a good time to thank your father for what they gave you, for bringing you to this world to make it better.
its a time a hail the father
anons its a good time to thank your father for what they gave you, for bringing you to this world to make it better.
its a time a hail the father
yes, hail the father, hail even for his stupid decisions, because they made you too
to you really think we aim for the digits? the digits aim for us. at the beginning when it was starting i thougt its a curse, but now i see, this is the real clock, the we are synchronising with
so you should fucking appreciate your FATHERS WORK
and in the end it is all about mercy, and justice
now we will all have to learn the true freedom, step by step
we will not kill you, we will educate you how to be good, forcibly if necessary
stop being a shit human, drop the hammer DAD
just like me 4 years ago