To road to victory can be bumpy at times.
ah I was wondering why the fast pan to the right as the forks dipped down.
Could it be there were actually multiple shooters?
clear as day
maybe fireworks?
2 days ahead of schedule now?
[back channels intensify]
nigga please.
>>21204591 (me)
Your feedback has been received. Agent Simms will be in contact.
GoFundMe can get fucked. They'll prolly block the money due to Hitler and muh insurrection.
Holeeee shit!
he turned into the bullet and it saved his life.
Fuck me…
Just like Red October.
looks to be part of the text bubble thing, but I don't instabooktok
Yeah, this.
Looks like it.
Mound is on the menu lads.
not if Biden called in the hit
Why are you a faggot with faggot accessories?
Be best
the 2nd post 'lost his job' seems larpy