Anonymous ID: 6afd7e July 14, 2024, 2:01 p.m. No.21204446   🗄️.is 🔗kun


G'Day anons 'n frens


i make just one post. it is expressly for our diggers and the USSS


last week during another rally, in one of the rally breads was a single picture. that picture showed a young man standing on the roof of a building; at his right shoulder was another roof, also metal. he was standing on the lower of two metal roofs. in his hand was a high powered rifle. he was sighting through the scope at a downward angle. it was, as i said, posted during the rally bread(s). at the time i thot about commenting on an inapproppriate picture but instead i prayed.

i want to add this to this post, thank you Lord Jesus Christ for your ministering angels and your Holy Spirit, for without both, this man. my president and yours, would not be here today!


i'm wondering if that picture showed our now deceased shooter, as though this was a warm up to the main event, yesterday?


peace out and stay frosty anons / frens / and loved ones!

happy digging
